Could the Pain Medications You’re Taking Result in a DUI? Get the Facts and Find Out Now

Could the Pain Medications You’re Taking Result in a DUI? Get the Facts and Find Out Now You should be aware that if you take painkillers, you run the danger of being stopped for a DUI. Many people are unaware of how taking painkillers can influence their ability to drive safely. California law forbids the use of any drugs, including both prescription and over-the-counter medicines, that impair the ability to drive safely.

It doesn’t matter if you just have a headache or you recently had surgery and are taking painkillers; the simplest method to avoid getting pulled over for DUI is to never drive after taking one. The easiest method to avoid a conviction after an arrest is to seek the advice of an experienced attorney like Attorney Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm.

How to avoid a DUI related to painkillers

Attorney Chambers is committed to teaching the public about DUI, especially how to avoid getting arrested for it. Our society uses painkillers so frequently, and DUI charges also happen frequently. Here’s what you need to know if you need to take pain medicine and don’t want to get pulled over for DUI.

The effects of painkillers that can make it harder to drive

Because every individual reacts to painkillers differently, it’s crucial to assess your symptoms and yourself before getting behind the wheel after taking painkillers. But here are a few of the most typical responses to painkillers.

Vicodin’s primary active ingredient is the widely used painkiller hydrocodone. It shares characteristics with opiates like morphine, codeine, and oxycodone. Driving can be affected by extreme exhilaration, tiredness, sedation, disconnectedness, mental fogging, and slowed reflexes.

Only 10 milligrams of the widely used sedative Valium can make a driver as intoxicated as someone whose blood alcohol content is .10%, which is higher than the permitted limit of .08%.

Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and Advil are common medications that can all affect driving, so be careful not to take a few and then forget about it. Always read product labels and calculate exactly how much medication you will take before taking it. If you discover that you are in any way impaired, you should cease driving right away.

Defense options if you are arrested for a DUI after taking painkillers

The good news is that under California law, there is no established threshold for the amount of a drug a driver must have in their system to be considered legally impaired. It’s not the same as getting detained for an alcohol-related DUI if your BAC was higher than .08%. This means that it’s conceivable you weren’t even inebriated while driving; the arresting officer simply came to the wrong conclusion.

Depending on your specific situation, there are numerous different strategies to avoid a conviction in a pain medication DUI case.

Get specialized assistance

You are welcome to contact Attorney Chambers right away to set up a free, individual case examination. He will go over all the crucial information pertaining to your case, provide his highly competent legal counsel, and address any queries you may have. Additionally, he will begin developing a legal plan to help you get the best results in your case, whether that means getting your charges dropped, avoiding jail time, paying less in penalties, or getting other desirable outcomes.

You may rely on Attorney Chambers to stand out for your rights and ideals throughout your Southern California DUI case involving pain medication. Get started now by calling Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation.

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