Do You Have to Disclose a DUI on a Job Application?

Depending on the question, you may have to tell potential employers about a DUI.

Do You Have to Disclose a DUI on a Job Application?Finding a job can be tough, particularly in today’s tight job market.  One aspect that can make it harder is if you have a criminal conviction. For better or for worse, many employers are reluctant to hire someone with a criminal record.  Because driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a crime in the state of California, you may be required to disclose a DUI conviction on a job application or during a job interview.

First, you should know what it means to be convicted of a crime.  A conviction means that a jury found you guilty of the crime of driving under the influence after a trial, that you plead guilty to a DUI, or that you pled “no contest” to the charge.  If a court set aside your conviction for some reason, then you may not be required to disclose it.  Talk to a DUI lawyer in Riverside, CA to discuss whether or not you have to tell a potential employer about a conviction that has been set aside.

Whether or not you disclose your DUI conviction comes down to two things: what the question is, and the facts of your DUI case.  You should err on the side of honesty, but you should also know that you do not have to disclose a DUI conviction or arrest if you are not asked to do so.
For example, a job application may ask if you have ever been convicted of a crime.  If you have only been arrested for DUI — but not convicted — then you could honestly answer no.  If you have been convicted, then you should answer yes.  It will hurt you more in the long run to lie on a job application or a job interview than it will to tell the truth and possibly be given the chance to explain your situation.  With the exception of jobs that involve driving, employers may be open to hire someone with a DUI conviction, particularly if the conviction was many years ago.

It is also important to know what type of conviction you had.  Many DUIs are charged as misdemeanor offenses. If a job application asks if you have been convicted of a felony offense, then you can truthfully answer no.  Again, use your judgment when it comes to answering these questions — but remember to answer the question that is asked. If the job application or interviewer only asks you about felony convictions, you are not legally obligated to tell them about DUI arrests or misdemeanor convictions.

A DUI conviction could have a negative impact on your ability to get a job.  While it may be tempting to hide the fact of your conviction, be mindful of the fact that a background check could quickly reveal your conviction.  Disclosing the conviction if required gives you the opportunity to explain what happened, while lying about it may leave an employer with no choice but to turn you down for the job.

At the Chambers Law Firm, we understand how DUI convictions can haunt you for years to come.  That is why we fight so hard for our clients, to make sure that they are treated fairly and that they are not convinced unjustly.  Contact our office today at 714-760-4088 or to learn how we can help you if you have been charged with a DUI in Riverside or the surrounding areas.

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