Do You Need An Attorney for a First DUI?

Whether it’s your first offense or your fourth, it’s a good idea to hired a skilled DUI lawyer.

Do You Need An Attorney for a First DUI?

If you have been arrested for a DUI in California, chances are good that you are feeling scared and overwhelmed.  You may be tempted to plead out to the charges just to get it over with so that you can move on with your life.  After all, a first-time DUI offense is almost always charged as a misdemeanor; it may seem easier to just take a plea to get your life back on track.

However, even a first-time DUI conviction can have very serious consequences.  Typical costs can be up to $1,800 in fines, penalties and assessments, and you may even be sentenced to jail time.  A DUI conviction can also have significant collateral consequences, such as the loss of your license and the inability to travel internationally.

As experienced DUI lawyers in Irvine, CA, our attorneys understand that even a first-time DUI offense can have a major impact on your life.  This post explores the serious potential consequences of a DUI conviction — and why getting an attorney is usually a good choice.

Penalties for First-Time DUI Convictions

In California, DUIs are usually charged as misdemeanor offenses unless certain factors (such as injuries to people other than the driver, the level of intoxication and whether you were speeding) are present. Although misdemeanors are less serious than felony offenses, they are still criminal convictions and carry significant consequences.

If you are convicted of a first-time misdemeanor DUI offense, you will likely have your license suspended for six months or longer.  You may be sentenced to up to six months in county jail, and three to nine months of mandatory DUI school.  The judge will assess fines of between $390 to $1,000, on top of fees and court costs that could add up to close to $2,000. You may be required to do community service, attend a panel put on by Mothers Against Drunk Driving or another community group or go to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.  Finally, you will be sentenced to between three and five years of DUI probation.

In addition to the administrative and criminal penalties, you may face other consequences.  With a suspended license, you could lose your job or your ability to attend school.  You may be barred from travel to other countries, and might have problems getting a job. When you get your license back, you will likely be required to pay steep premiums to maintain your insurance; this is because your insurance company will be notified of your DUI arrest and will consider you to be a high-risk driver.  These penalties have the potential to affect you for years, if not for the rest of your life.

A DUI lawyer in Irvine, CA can help to mitigate or reduce some of these consequences in several ways.  First, your attorney can request a hearing with the DMV to potentially avoid the automatic suspension of your license.  Second, your lawyer can investigate the facts of your case to develop factual and legal defenses to the charges and negotiate a favorable deal with the prosecutor.  Finally, if your case goes to court, our lawyer can represent you, presenting evidence and cross examining witnesses to attempt to win an acquittal. 

If you have been charged with a DUI in Irvine or the surrounding areas, contact the Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 or  We will aggressively defend you against the DUI charges and will work to have your charges reduced or dismissed whenever possible.  Initial consultations are always free!

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