Do You Really Need a DUI Lawyer?

A DUI lawyer can help make sure that your rights are protected.

Do You Really Need a DUI Lawyer?In terms of criminal charges, if you have been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you may think that a California DUI is not that big of a deal.  Most DUIs in California DUIs are charged as misdemeanors — particularly first-time DUIs — and usually do not result in jail time.  But the consequences of even a misdemeanor DUI conviction can be incredibly steep, even if you don’t spend a single night in jail.  That is why it is so important that you have a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles, CA by your side from the start.

When you are arrested for the crime of driving under the influence (and it is a crime!), you have a short window of time to request a hearing to prevent the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) from suspending your driver’s license — just 10 days.  If you fail to do so, your license will be suspended almost immediately, which could make it difficult for you to get to work, school or take care of your other responsibilities.  Requesting a hearing, and being represented at that hearing by a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles, CA, can make a major difference in your case.  At the hearing, your attorney will have the chance to examine the state’s evidence against you and to make a case for your license not being suspended.  Even if the DMV decides to suspend your license, this step is an important part of the process because it gives your lawyer a preview of the state’s case and an opportunity to argue for the charges to be reduced or dismissed.

It may take the prosecutor several months or longer to formally file DUI charges against you.  During that time, your DUI lawyer in Los Angeles, CA can advocate on your behalf.  Once charges are filed, your attorney can offer many benefits, including making sure that all deadlines are met, that the facts of your case are fully investigated, that your constitutional rights are protected, that the proper expert witnesses are hired to testify on your behalf, and that the results of the blood, breath and urine tests are challenged.  Even if the case ultimately does not go to trial, an experienced DUI attorney can work with the evidence in the case to negotiate a favorable deal with the prosecution to potentially obtain a reduced charge (such as wet reckless or dry reckless) or a better sentencing deal, such as reduced jail time, fines or other penalties.  The chances of being able to obtain these more favorable deals on your own are much lower than if you hire a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles, CA.

A DUI conviction can have a significant impact on your life.  It can prevent you from driving, land you in jail, cost you thousands of dollars in court costs, fees and other administrative expenses, and result in you paying more in insurance for years.  It may also make it more difficult for you to find a job or to work in your chosen field.  That is why it is worth it to hire a top notch DUI lawyer.  In Los Angeles, CA, the Chambers Law Firm is highly skilled at representing clients who have been charged with DUIs.  We offer free initial consultations, where we explain your legal rights and options.  Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or to learn more about how we can help protect your freedom.

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