Does Uber Reduce the Risk of Drunk Driving?

A new study questions whether the popular ride app really has an impact on deaths related to drunk driving.

Does Uber Reduce the Risk of Drunk Driving?

In 2015, Uber released a study in partnership with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) claiming that its ride-sharing technology led to a significant decrease in drunk driving in California.  The study claimed that where Uber was available in California, drunk driving crashes among young drivers (under age 30) fell by 60 per month — for an estimated total of 1,800 crashes prevented since July 2012.  However, a new study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft have absolutely no impact on drunk driving fatalties. As any experienced Upland DUI attorney can tell you — driving under the influence is a risky proposition that should be avoided at all costs.

Broader Study Shows No Effect on Fatalities

The new study did not just look at data from Uber’s home state of California.  Instead, it analyzed information from the 100 most populated metropolitan areas in the United States.  It was conducted by scientists from the University of Southern California and Oxford University, and examined the number of deaths due to drunk driving on weekends and holidays before and after the introduction of ride-sharing services.

The study’s results stand in stark contrast to the one commissioned by Uber.  The authors found that the availability of ride-sharing services had no association with a reduction in drunk driving fatalities in any of the 100 metropolitan areas.

There are many possible reasons why services like Uber and Lyft haven’t had an effect on drunk driving fatalities.  It could be that many people have simply changed from using a taxi to using a ride-sharing service, so that there isn’t a net effect on the number of fatalities.  Or perhaps the cities studied do not have enough drivers in the area to have a real impact.  Another reason is that for many people who drive under the influence, no alternative means of transportation is going to work — they are going to drive drunk regardless.

It’s important to note that the new study looked at a different number than the earlier study.  It examined fatalities due to drunk driving, rather than drunk driving accidents.  According to Uber, many of its users say that the availability of its service has led to them avoiding drinking and driving.

A Serious Problem

Driving under the influence leads to 10,000 fatalities in the United States every year.  Regardless  of what the studies say, getting a ride from a taxi, Uber or Lyft can save lives.  If there is any doubt about your ability to drive after having had a few drinks or used drugs, err on the side of caution — get a ride from a sober friend or from an Uber.

DUI charges carry grave consequences due to the high risk nature of the offense. The best course of action is to never drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. But if you have been charged with a DUI in California, hire a skilled Upland DUI attorney who can provide the best possible defense to the charges.  Contact the Chambers Law Firm today at 714-760-4088 or to learn how our top-notch DUI defense attorneys can help you.

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