Don’t Drive Drunk This Memorial Day Weekend

Have fun responsibly this holiday weekend.

Don’t Drive Drunk This Memorial Day Weekend
This coming Monday, our nation celebrates Memorial Day, a time for us to honor all of the service men and women who have given their lives in defense of our country. Although the holiday itself is a solemn occasion, Americans have traditionally celebrated this weekend as they do many patriotic occasions — with parties and picnics. For many people, these get togethers will include alcohol, which can help to make an event a more joyous occasion — but can also make it more dangerous if party-goers decide to get behind the wheel of a car, truck, boat or other vehicle after drinking alcohol or consuming drugs.

In California, it is against the law to operate a car, truck, SUV or other vehicle when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. For most drivers, this is either when have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 percent, or when you are too impaired to operate a vehicle in the manner of a reasonable sober person. However, for some drivers — such as those under the age of 21 and drivers who operate commercial vehicles — the legal limit is lower. California has a zero tolerance law for underage drinking, so if you are caught with a BAC of .01 percent or higher, you could be charged with a crime. For commercial drivers, the legal limit is .04 percent if you are driving your commercial vehicle. However, as an experienced DUI lawyer in Riverside, CA will tell you, if you get a DUI and have a commercial drivers’ license (CDL), you will lose your CDL even if you were not driving your commercial vehicle at the time.

California police are aware that many people are likely to throw parties and host picnics over Memorial Day weekend, and that many of these events will have beer, wine and other alcohol. For this reason, local law enforcement will likely have increased presence on local roads over Memorial Day weekend. This may include DUI checkpoints and additional patrols on roads that are more frequently travelled. Increased patrols can often reduce the incidence of drunk driving related accidents, injuries and fatalities. However, it can also lead to pressure on individual officers to meet certain quotas for arrests or to make more arrests for drunk driving than during other weekends.

As skilled DUI lawyers in Riverside, CA, we understand the law when it comes to DUI stops, and can work with you to challenge an unlawful stop or arrest — including a DUI checkpoint that does not follow the strict rules established for this type of stop. However, the best way to avoid being charged with a DUI is to never drink and drive. If you are planning to drink at a party or picnic this Memorial Day weekend, we encourage you to do so responsibly. Be aware of how much you are drinking, and make sure that you have a designated driver. Plan to stay over if you will be drinking and don’t have a driver, or get a taxi or an Uber instead.

If you are arrested for a DUI, the Chambers Law Firm will aggressively defend your rights and freedom. We offer free initial consultations, where we will explain your rights and your options. We represent you in both the administrative and criminal aspects of your DUI case, and will stand by your side throughout the process. Contact our firm today at 714-760-4088 or to learn more about how we can help if you have been charged with a DUI in Riverside or the surrounding areas.

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