DUI Arrest as a Juvenile

How could a minor be arrested for DUI?

DUI Arrest as a JuvenileCalifornia has a Zero Tolerance Law that specifies that minors may not have any alcohol in their system when driving. So if a minor is stopped and found to have a blood alcohol level as low as .01%, he or she could be charged with DUI. That’s one eighth of the legal limit for adults.

Potential repercussions

Did you know that California has some of the toughest DUI laws in the country? It’s true. And if the person who’s been charged with DUI is a juvenile, the consequences can be truly devastating. If convicted, his or her license will be suspended for at least a year, and it may even be revoked entirely. The car may be confiscated.

The punishment for a DUI conviction can last for many years after conviction because it will need to reported on college and job applications, just like an adult would.

Silver lining?

While a DUI conviction can have a real impact on a minor’s life, the good thing is that there’s no risk of jail time. Also, it won’t remain on the juvenile’s permanent record. That’s because minor DUIs are considered infractions, not misdemeanors or felonies.

How to prevent a minor DUI conviction

Prevent a DUI conviction from damaging your or a loved one’s reputation and future prospects by hiring Southern California best DUI defense attorney—Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm.

Schedule a free consultation today to meet Attorney Chambers in-person. All you have to do is call 714-760-4088, email dchambers@clfca.com, or use the chat box below to make your appointment now.

At your first consultation, Attorney Chambers will go over all the pertinent details of the case and offer personalized legal advice. You’ll get all your most pressing questions answered and find out what the most likely outcome of your case will be. Schedule yours now!

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