DUI Arrests And The Fourth of July

This holiday weekend, keep yourself and others safe by avoiding impaired driving.

DUI Arrests And The Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is almost here, and this year, it falls on a Monday — giving us an entire weekend to celebrate our nation’s independence.  Many people in Orange County and across the country are preparing for picnics and parties — many of which will include some form of alcohol.  While this holiday often presents an opportunity to have fun with friends and family, it also can be an incredibly dangerous time, when people combine alcohol with driving, boating, fireworks and more.  In the United States, holiday weekends like the Fourth of July are notorious for alcohol-related accidents and injuries, including those that are caused by impaired driving.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 41 percent of traffic fatalities over the Fourth of July weekend are caused by drivers with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher. A high percentage of the drivers involved in these accidents had a BAC of .15 or higher — almost twice the legal limit in California (.08).

Because of the increased possibility of traffic accidents due to impaired driving, many state and local police forces step up enforcement of alcohol-related crimes during the Fourth of July.  This may include things like sobriety checkpoints and additional patrols on heavily-traveled roads.  While this higher level of enforcement can reduce the number of alcohol-related injuries and fatalities, it can also lead to overzealous policing on the part of law enforcement.  They may be under pressure to make a high number of arrests, or to meet a specific quota.  This can often lead to stops and searches that don’t comport with the law.

If you have plans this Fourth of July weekend, the Chambers Law Firm encourages you to drink responsibly.  You can do this by:

  • Drinking in moderation
  • Being aware of how the heat affects the amount that you are drinking and your level of intoxication
  • Having a designated (sober) driver
  • Planning to stay over if you will be drinking

If you are arrested for a DUI infraction over this holiday weekend, remember that you have the right to remain silent and to request a lawyer.  Call the Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 or email us dchambers@clfca.com as soon as possible after an arrest to ensure that your legal rights are protected. Because you only have 10 days from the date of your DUI arrest to request an administrative hearing with the DMV, it is incredibly important that you consult with an experienced DUI defense attorney immediately.  At the DMV hearing, you can contest the automatic suspension of your driver’s license.

The Chambers Law Firm offers free initial consultations, and a wealth of experience in defending DUI cases in Southern California.  Dan Chambers excels at handling both the criminal and civil aspects of DUI cases.  You will have peace of mind knowing that you have the best Orange County DUI defense attorney on your side.  Contact the Chambers Law Firm today:

Phone: 714-760-4088

Email: dchambers@clfca.com

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