DUIs the Morning After: How to Avoid a Morning DUI

DUIs the Morning After: How to Avoid a Morning DUI

Drunk driving is taken seriously in every state but what many people don’t realize is that getting arrested for a DUI can happen at any time of the day – even the morning. What’s worse, studies show that most people can only metabolize a single drink per hour. This means that if you drink eight drinks between midnight and 5 AM, you could still be legally drunk at 8 AM. This could lead to a DUI arrest.

Do you believe these common misconceptions about DUIs?

It’s common for a person to think that when they wake up after a night of drinking, that they’ve slept off the alcohol they drank. The reality is that there’s likely still alcohol in your blood stream. Many people also think that coffee can help sober them up but the opposite can actually be true.

No matter how much food you eat or non-alcoholic drinks you have, you could still have enough alcohol in your blood to impact your driving. This is why it’s important to take extra steps to be safe – and free from legal consequences – the morning after drinking.

Plan ahead the night before you go out drinking

First, plan to take a cab or an Uber home after the night of drinking. This may leave you with less pressure in the morning to drive. If you stay home, you’ll get the time you need to actually sober up. Once you’ve done so, you can go get your vehicle and safely drive it home. You could also have a friend or family member on deck to bring you home.

Do something in the morning before you drive

It’s smart to find something you can do within walking distance when you wake up in the morning. If you’re at a friend’s house, let them know that you’d like to stay for the morning so you can be sure you’re sobered up. Perhaps you can walk to a local breakfast spot or get a cup of coffee. Time is all your body needs and the more time you give it, the safer you’ll be to drive.

What to do if you’re pulled over for drinking and driving

If you do end up driving and you get pulled over, it’s important to both comply with the police and also not give them more information than absolutely necessary. You do have to present your ID, registration, and insurance. You don’t have to tell them if you’ve been drinking.

If you arrested, contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. At Chambers Law Firm, we have years of experience and know how to handle your case. We will use our experience, coupled with the facts of your case, to find the best possible way forward. To learn more, contact us at 714-760-4088. We’ll start with a free case evaluation so you can get a better idea of how we can help. Call today. This is not a situation that’s going to go away on its own. We can help.

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