Getting A Restricted License After A DUI

A restricted license can ease the burden of having a suspended license after a DUI.

When it comes to DUI consequences, one of the penalties that many people struggle with is the loss of a license.  For some people arrested for a DUI, it comes as a surprise when the police officer seizes their California drivers’ license and informs them that the temporary license is only good for thirty days (or until a DMV hearing).  A license suspension can be very challenging for anyone charged with a DUI, because it impacts your ability to work, go to school, participate in events with family and friends and live your life.

When you are arrested for a DUI, you must request a hearing with the DMV within 10 days or your license will automatically be suspended. For a first-time offense, your license will be suspended for six months.  If you request a hearing, you may be able to prove that your license shouldn’t be suspended — but if you are convicted or plead guilty, then your license will be suspended anyways.

So how can a person get around and fulfill their commitments without a license?  Public transportation is one option, but it isn’t always reliable.  Family and friends may quickly tire of chauffeuring you around, and may not be able to get you to work, school or elsewhere when you need to be there.  This leaves one other option: a restricted license.

A DUI lawyer in Pomona, CA can help you obtain a special type of license so that you can drive in limited circumstances after your license has been suspended. You can use this license to drive to work, school and to DUI school However, you must meet certain qualifications in order to get a restricted license under California law.  These include:

  • You are age 21 or older;
  • You took a chemical test;
  • Your driving privileges were not otherwise suspended or revoked.
  • You have submitted a SR22 form to show proof of insurance

If your license suspension was issued by the court, then you can get a restricted license immediately.  However, if the DMV suspended your license, then there is a thirty day waiting period to get a restricted license for a first-time offense.  If it is a second or greater offense, you will either be unable to obtain a restricted license, or have a longer wait period to obtain the restricted license.  If you refused to take a chemical blood or breath test, you may be denied a restricted license entirely.    Importantly, you cannot get a restricted commercial license.  If you have a commercial license, then you will not be able to drive commercial vehicles while your license is suspended.

If you have been arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence in California, you will need the help of an experienced DUI lawyer.  In Pomona, CA, the Chambers Law Firm helps Californians fight back against DUI charges and obtain restricted licenses to minimize the impact of a DUI license suspension on their lives.  Contact our firm today at 714-760-4088 or to schedule a free initial consultation and learn more about how we can defend your rights and your freedom!

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