Getting ready for bikini season by taking diet pills? You could get charged with DUI

Getting ready for bikini season by taking diet pills? You could get charged with DUIThe summer heat is here and many people want to look good in their bikinis or shorts at the beach. Slipping on that gorgeous strapless dress without a care in the world would be so nice… Taking off your shirt to show off a tight tummy as you sip a margarita by the pool…

Sounds amazing, right? But many feel that that’s not possible without taking diet pills.

There are so many that are on the market right now – promising lightning-quick results that you can see. Commercials declare that you’ll be ready to strut your stuff in no time, but what’s actually in those diet pills? Sure, they might help you lose weight, but at what cost?

The vast majority of people who take diet pills have no idea about the drawbacks of diet pills. A quick Google search quickly yields a plethora of concerns physicians and healthcare officials have about diet pills, including:

  • Lack of oversight – the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not analyze or approve diet pills before they are sold. There could be dangerous ingredients in diet pills and consumers have no idea. Diet pill marketers may be making false claims about their products, but there’s no system of accountability.
  • Risk of heart attack and stroke. Did you know that the first ingredient in almost all diet pills is a prescription level stimulant that can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke? If you’re already overweight, not exercising, or not eating well, taking a diet pill may put you at even greater risk of serious health problems.
  • Dangerous side effects. Diet pills often block fat, but at the same time, they may block valuable nutrients from being absorbed by the body. Potential side effects include upset stomach, mood swings, headaches, constipation, chest pain, tremors, irregular heartbeat, blurred vision, dizziness, teeth grinding, exhaustion, nausea, anxiety, and insomnia.

Did you read that last sentence? Yikes. The side effects of diet pills are intense. But it gets worse:

If you take diet pills, you could be arrest for DUI, even if you didn’t drink a drop of alcohol. That’s because California law prohibits anyone who’s impaired by drugs or alcohol to drive. That includes both over-the-counter, prescription, and other drugs such as diet pills.

If a police officer pulls you over on suspicion of DUI, he or she will question you and ask you to complete some field sobriety tests. Then you’ll be asked to take a blood or breath test to determine whether there are any drugs or alcohol in your system. If stimulants and other chemicals from diet pills are discovered in your blood, the police officer may arrest and charge you with DUI.

Top diet pill DUI defense attorney

If that happens, don’t panic – just call Attorney Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm at your earliest convenience. He’ll know exactly what to do according to your exact circumstances. Some in for a free initial consultation with Attorney Chambers and he’ll give you personalized legal advice. He’ll start working on your defense strategy immediately, and tenaciously fight for the ideal outcome throughout your DUI case.

Schedule your free consultation by contacting the Chambers Law Firm now:

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