Have Fun — and Stay Safe! — This St. Patrick’s Day

It takes more than luck to avoid a DUI

Have Fun — and Stay Safe! — This St. Patrick’s Day

Whether or not you are Irish, St. Patrick’s Day is a day to celebrate. It is generally known as an excuse to party — to have a few green beers, to eat Irish food, to attend a parade, or to just kick back with some friends and drink some Irish whiskey. Traditionally, St. Patrick’s Day in the United States is associated with drinking, and often to excess. So how can you keep yourself — and everyone around you — safe on St. Patrick’s Day?

The first step is to make a plan. You may have already scoured your closet for something green to wear, and chatted with your friends about where to go. The next phase of your planning process must be to figure out how you are getting to where you’re going, and more importantly, how you are getting home. Will you have a designated driver? Will you book a hotel room? Or will you take a taxi, Uber or Lyft? Thinking ahead in this way can stop you from making a major mistake that can put your life and future in jeopardy: a DUI.

In California, DUIs are taken very seriously. According to an experienced Santa Ana DUI defense lawyer, even a first-time driving under the influence charge can lead to severe penalties. First, you will lose your license, which may have an impact on your job, school, and social life. Second, if you are convicted, you’ll have to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle, which isn’t just embarrassing — it’s costly. Third, a conviction means that you’ll be facing probation and/or jail time, community service, court costs and fees, a steep fine, and mandatory alcohol education classes. Fourth, you’ll take a serious hit on your car insurance for years after your DUI. Expect to pay thousands in extra premiums — on top of what you will have already paid for a Santa Ana DUI defense lawyer, court fees and fines, the ignition interlock device, DUI school and other costs. When you weigh the costs of a DUI against the cost of an Uber (even during surge pricing) or even a hotel, it makes a lot more sense to not take the chance.

At the Chambers Law Firm, we want everyone to have fun this St. Patrick’s Day, but more importantly, to be safe. We have seen the devastating effects of a DUI, and we want everyone in Santa Ana and the surrounding areas to make the best possible choice when they have been drinking. So plan ahead, and always be sure to hand off your keys if you plan on drinking.

If you have been charged with a DUI, the Chambers Law Firm can help. Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or dchambers@clfca.com to schedule a free initial consultation. We will work with you to develop the best possible defense so that you can achieve a favorable outcome.

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