How a DUI Accident Can Increase Your Charges

Getting into a wreck while driving under the influence can mean additional charges.

How a DUI Accident Can Increase Your Charges

Across the United States, a leading cause of injuries and fatalities is car accidents — and one of the top causes of car accidents is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. While there are many other potential causes of car accidents, such as texting and driving, disobeying traffic laws and simply not paying attention, driving while drunk or high presents an incredibly high risk of accidents. And when people drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they not only put themselves in danger, but they put the lives of innocent people at risk as well — including their passengers, other people on the road and even pedestrians and passersby. That is why California takes the crime of DUI so seriously, and why there are enhanced charges for anyone charged with causing an accident involving driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

As experienced DUI lawyers in Riverside, CA, we have represented clients who have been charged with DUIs involving accidents. Typically, a DUI charge will result in penalties such as possible jail time (depending on the severity and level of offense), fines, community service, mandatory DUI school, probation, and a suspension of his or her California driver’s license. However, if that same DUI offense involved an accidence and damage to property, an injury to another person or the wrongful death of another person or persons, then the prosecutor may increase the charge. In those situations, the prosecutor may charge a person with fleeing the scene of an accident (hit and run), a DUI causing injury or even a DUI causing death (vehicular manslaughter), depending on the facts of the case. A DUI causing injury is charged whenever a person is driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (with either a blood alcohol content over .08 percent or to a point that his ability to drive is impaired), and causes a vehicular accident that results in an injury to another person; the key to this charge is that the injury must be to a person other than the defendant in the case. A vehicular manslaughter or DUI causing death charge can be brought whenever a person dies as a result of a drunk driving accident.

These offenses could be charged as felonies, which is why it is so important that you consult with an experienced DUI lawyer in Riverside, CA as soon as possible after being arrested. A knowledge DUI attorney can help put together the best possible factual and legal defenses to the charges against you, and can work towards having the charges reduced or dismissed when possible.

At the Chambers Law Firm, our attorneys have substantial experience representing clients who have been charged with California DUIs, including DUI accidents. We will thoroughly investigate the facts of your case, and will aggressively seek the most favorable outcome for your specific situation. We offer free initial consultations, where we will explain your legal rights and options. Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or to learn more about how we can help protect your rights at freedom.

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