How a DUI Can Impact Your Career

The consequences of a DUI go beyond criminal sanctions

How a DUI Can Impact Your Career

You may not think that getting a driving under the influence (DUI) charge is that big of a deal. Perhaps most people in your social circle get behind the wheel after a few drinks, so you don’t feel particularly embarrassed by getting caught drunk driving one night. But then reality sets in, and you start to realize all of the ways that a California DUI can impact your life. It’s then that you realize that getting a DUI really IS a big deal — and that getting an experienced Riverside DUI defense lawyer should be your top priority.

As an initial matter, a DUI is a criminal offense. This cannot be understated. You can (and may very well) go to jail if you are convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. You will also lose your license, be required to pay fines and fees, and face a host of other penalties. These may include doing community services, being on probation, and attending mandatory alcohol education classes.

Yet beyond these criminal sanctions, a DUI can affect your life in a variety of ways — including by derailing your career. First, your license: if you can’t drive, it is really hard to get to work. There is the possibility of obtaining a restricted license so that you can drive to and from work. But if you don’t qualify for a restricted license, you will either have to rely on public transportation — or bum rides from family and friends.

Second, your other license: as a Riverside DUI defense lawyer can explain, if you have a professional license, it could be in jeopardy if you get a DUI. That means that if you are a doctor, police officer, real estate agent, nurse or teacher (among other professions), you could lose your ability to do your job if you get a DUI. If you have a commercial driver’s license (CDL), it will be suspended for a period of one year for a first time DUI offense. It isn’t worth risking your livelihood for a night out of drinking — taking an Uber is a much safer alternative.

Third, many California employers have zero tolerance policies. That means that if they learn that you have been arrested for a criminal offense (even a DUI), you could be fired. If your job involves driving, you will almost certainly be fired, particularly because you may not be insurable after a DUI.

Fourth, if you are arrested for a DUI, your college career may be tanked. Many colleges and professional schools specifically ask applicants about criminal convictions. Similarly, most financial aid applications request information about convictions. A failure to disclosure a conviction could result in your application being denied.

Being convicted of a DUI can have an impact on your life far beyond the criminal consequences. That is why it is so important to hire a top notch Riverside DUI defense lawyer to represent you. The Chambers Law Firm works with clients in Riverside and the surrounding areas who have been charged with DUIs. Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or to schedule a free initial consultation and learn how we can help you.

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