How A DUI Case May Be Resolved

Pleading guilty, seeking a plea bargain or going to trial are three ways to resolve your case.

How A DUI Case May Be Resolved

If you have been charged with a California DUI, you are likely stressed and overwhelmed.  You have likely had your license confiscated by the police, are worried about the impending deadline for requesting a hearing with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and how a criminal case will impact your life.

While being charged with a DUI is not a good thing, with a skilled Orange County DUI lawyer, you can have peace of mind.  As an initial matter, your attorney can request a hearing with the DMV to contest your license suspension.  This will give you a preview of the prosector’s case against you — and help you get a better idea of how you should proceed with your case moving forward.

When it comes to resolving your California DUI case, there are three main options once you have been arraigned.  First, you can simply plead guilty to the charges.  This has the advantage of simplicity, but not much else to recommend it, as you will then face all of the consequences of a DUI — such as a license suspension, potential jail time, DUI classes, fines, fees and more. Second, you could seek a plea bargain, typically with the help of a seasoned Orange County DUI lawyer.  Generally, an attorney will be able to look at the facts of your case (often discovered at your DMV hearing or by exchanging information with the prosecutor) and make an argument that you should be eligible for a lesser charge, such as a wet reckless.    Third, you can go to trial, either before a judge or jury.  Whether or not you go to trial depends on a number of factors, such as your criminal history, the evidence against you and whether there is any police misconduct in your case.

Most Orange County DUI lawyers would recommend against pleading guilty to DUI charges.  The state has a burden of proving criminal charges against you beyond a reasonable doubt.  Pleading guilty relieves them of that burden.  Hiring an Orange County DUI lawyer may force them to meet that burden at trial, or come to an agreement with your attorney that you may plead guilty to a lesser charge, such as a wet reckless.  Your lawyer will fully evaluate the facts of your case to determine if there is any basis to have any evidence suppressed (kept out of trial), which may also have an impact on your case.  In some situations, this legal analysis may even result in your charges being dismissed entirely.

While no results are guaranteed, hiring an Orange County DUI lawyer can help you obtain the best possible results for your DUI case.  Contact the Chambers Law Firm today at 714-760-4088 or to schedule a free initial consultation and learn more about how we can help you.

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