How Does Weight Affect Blood Alcohol Concentration Levels?

How Does Weight Affect Blood Alcohol Concentration Levels?Have you ever noticed that your petite friends seem to get drunk much faster than you do? Have you noticed that your gym-obsessed friends seem to hold their alcohol much better than most people?

It’s true – weight affects blood alcohol concentration levels, and if you want to avoid getting hit with a DUI, it’s a good idea to get informed about all the factors that impact blood concentration levels. It would be so horrible to get slapped with a DUI charge when you thought you were below the legal limit.

How weight affects blood alcohol concentration levels

There are so many factors that impact blood alcohol levels, but one important one is weight and muscle mass. Alcohol is absorbed into muscle mass faster than it is absorbed into body fat, so those who have more body fat have higher blood alcohol concentration levels for a longer period of time.

Women often have higher blood alcohol concentration levels than men because they typically have smaller body sizes and weights. Additionally, women naturally have about half as much of the enzymes needed to metabolize alcohol, so it takes their bodies longer to process alcohol, according this article published on the Stanford University website.

What should I do with this information?

If you’re petite or have a high percentage of body fat, you should be especially aware of your blood alcohol levels before driving if you want to avoid getting arrested for DUI. Even people who feel “fine” may be have a blood concentration level over .08%. To be on the safe side, anytime you drink, hand the keys over to a sober friend or take a cab home.

What if I get arrested for DUI?

If you do get arrested for DUI, it’s possible that you weren’t truly intoxicated. Field Sobriety Tests are notoriously subjective, and even blood and breath tests can be faulty.

Fight your DUI charge with the help of Southern California’s top criminal defense attorney, Dan Chambers. All prospective clients may schedule a free case evaluation with Attorney Dan Chambers. There, he’ll go over all the details of your case, start formulating your personalized defense strategy, and let you know what you can realistically expect the outcome of your case to be.

Your case is not hopeless.

DUI charges don’t always turn into convictions. Avoid steep fines, having to attend DUI school, jail time, license suspension, and other potentially devastating consequences of a DUI conviction by contacting the Chambers Law Firm today.

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