How to Avoid a DUI Arrest

Drive carefully and exercise your rights respectfully to minimize your risk of being arrested for a DUI.

How to Avoid a DUI Arrest

The best way to avoid being arrested is to not drive after you drink or use drugs in any amount.  If you know that you are under the influence, the best course of action is to not drive at all.  But there are some situations where you may have had just one or two drinks and believe that it is safe to drive, but worry that you could be pulled over and arrested for driving under the influence.

If you are concerned that you could be arrested for a DUI even though you have only had a few drinks, there are some steps that you can take to avoid that arrest.  As a DUI lawyer in Pomona, CA will tell you, DUI arrests can often be avoided by taking these simple precautions.

Drive Carefully

Unless there is a DUI checkpoint, the police generally need probable cause to pull over a driver on suspicion of driving under the influence.  This generally comes in the form of erratic or suspicious driving, such as driving too slowly, weaving in between lanes of traffic, or even sitting at a stop sign for too long.

If you want to avoid being pulled over after you have had one or two drinks, the best course of action is to drive as carefully and normally as possible.  Try to stay under the speed limit, but to not drive too slowly.  Signal your turns, and stay in the middle of your lane.  Always wear your seat belt and obey all traffic laws.  Taking these steps can help prevent a DUI arrest because the police won’t be able to stop you unless you give them cause to do so.

Exercise Your Rights Respectfully

If you have been pulled over, what you do next could have an impact on whether or not you are ultimately arrested.  You do have certain rights at a traffic stop, but the key is to be polite and respectful when exercising them.

Start by pulling over as soon as possible after an officer signals that he or she is pulling you over. Do your best to park appropriately, taking care to park close to the curb or the side of the road.  Keep your hands on the wheel as the officer approaches, and do not put gum or breath mints into your mouth (which the police may interpret as you trying to cover up the odor of alcohol on your breath).  Speak clearly, and at a normal volume and speed.  If the officer questions you about whether you have been drinking, do not admit that you just had a few drinks; instead, politely inform the officer that you are exercising your right to remain silent.  By being respectful and taking common sense steps to show that you are not impaired, you can reduce the risk of being arrested for a DUI.

Remember that unless you are under the age of 21 or on DUI probation, you are not required to take a roadside breathalyzer test.  You are also not required to take a field sobriety test.  Again, when declining these tests, be polite and respectful.  Do not give the officer a reason to “find” symptoms of intoxication by being mouthy, rude or disrespectful.

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, know that there is help.  At the Chambers Law Firm, we work with clients to fight back against unjust DUI charges.  We offer free initial consultations where we will advise you of your legal rights and options, and we will fight hard to defend your rights and your freedom.  Contact our office today at 714-760-4088 or to schedule an appointment.

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