How to Avoid a DUI This Fourth of July

Follow these tips this upcoming holiday to avoid being arrested for a DUI.

 How to Avoid a DUI This Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is here, and although the holiday falls on a weekday this year, that does not mean that there will be a lack of celebration. Instead, many picnics and parties will likely spread out into a multi-day celebration. And while we have many reasons to celebrate our great nation in 2017 and every year, we should all be aware of the need to do so responsibly.

Many Fourth of July celebrations involve alcohol — beer, wine, or hard liquor. Indulging in alcoholic beverages can be fun and relaxing, but they can be dangerous, particularly when combined with motorized vehicles of any kind — from boats to golf carts to all terrain vehicles to cars, trucks and SUVs. As experienced Los Angeles DUI defense lawyers, we have seen far too many arrests, accidents and serious injuries or fatalities that result when someone got behind the wheel of a car after having a few too many drinks at a party or celebration, and drove when they shouldn’t have been driving.

You should also know that many state and local police increase their presence on the roadways over holiday weekends such as the Fourth of July. Expect DUI checkpoints and more police cars on heavily travelled roads the weekend before the Fourth, July 3rd and the Fourth of July itself. Having an increased police presence will mean that you are more likely to get pulled over for a potential DUI — and possibly arrested for driving under the influence.

Of course, the best way to avoid a DUI arrest is to never drink or drive. The safest course of action is to not drink any alcohol at your Fourth of July celebration, or to have a designated driver. If you are going to drink, you can take some basic precautions to ensure that you do not get arrested for a DUI — and that you do not endanger yourself or anyone else on the road by driving drunk.

Remember that the heat and dehydration and increase the effects of alcohol. Be sure to drink plenty of water, and cool off if you find yourself getting too hot. Monitor your alcohol intake carefully, and if you find yourself feeling intoxicated, take a break and switch to water. You should also be sure that you are eating throughout the day, and not drinking on an empty stomach.

If you are planning to drink at a party or a picnic, plan ahead. There are many options available for ride-sharing services, such as Uber or Lyft, if a taxi or designated driver is not available. You could also plan to stay over at your host’s house or stay at a hotel. The expense of a hotel or paying for an Uber is far less in the long run than the cost of being arrested for a DUI — and it does not put your safety or the safety of other people at risk.

Ultimately, the key to having a great Fourth of July is celebrating responsibly. If you are going to drink, do so in moderation, and only drive if your ability to drive is not impaired. If you are arrested for a DUI this Fourth of July or any other day, you will need a seasoned Los Angeles DUI defense lawyer. The Chambers Law Firm can help. Our attorneys will aggressively defend you against DUI charges, and will stand by you through each step of the process. Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or to schedule a free initial consultation.

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