How to Respond to Robbery Charges in Southern California: Your Right to a Strong Defense

How to Respond to Robbery Charges in Southern California: Your Right to a Strong Defense

Facing accusations of a crime, especially theft-related offenses, can be daunting and overwhelming. The potential implications on your future and reputation are profound. Yet, in this unsettling situation, it’s crucial to remember two things: you’re not alone in this battle, and there are robust defense strategies available to you. The key lies in securing the right legal representation, and Chambers Law Firm is here to offer that unwavering support. Contact us now at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation.

What Exactly is Robbery in California’s Legal Context?

Robbery, as defined by California’s legal framework, refers to the act of forcibly taking money or property from an individual either by using direct physical force or by instilling fear, prompting them to part with their valuables. If the act involves the use of a deadly weapon, such as a firearm, the nature of the charges could elevate to aggravated or armed robbery. It’s vital to distinguish robbery from burglary. The primary differentiator is the presence and intimidation or harm of a victim during the act of robbery.

Robbery: A Closer Look at the Categories

California’s Penal Code recognizes two primary classifications of robbery. First-degree robbery pertains to incidents occurring within enclosed structures like banks or near ATMs. In contrast, second-degree robbery encompasses all other forms of the crime. Legal consequences differ between the two. A conviction for first-degree robbery could result in a prison sentence ranging from three to six years, while second-degree robbery convictions might lead to two to five years of imprisonment.

The Implications of the Three Strikes Law

Robbery is deemed a violent felony in California. Consequently, a conviction can lead to a strike under the ‘three strikes’ law of the state. For individuals with a prior record of a violent felony, a robbery conviction can doubly intensify the sentence. And, if robbery becomes the third violent felony conviction, the outcome can be as severe as 25 years to life imprisonment.

Safeguarding Your Rights

At Chambers Law Firm, our foundational belief is that no individual should ever plead guilty to robbery without thorough consultation with a specialized criminal defense attorney. Even if you’re contemplating admitting guilt, it might still be possible to negotiate for a reduced charge, potentially eliminating the risk of accumulating a strike. The evidence against you might have flaws or procedural errors, allowing us to challenge its admissibility or even proceed to trial.

In some situations, brokering the most favorable plea deal could be a strategic move. No matter the specifics of your circumstance, Chambers Law Firm is committed to standing by you. Reach out to us promptly at 714-760-4088 to initiate the defense process. We welcome you with a complimentary legal consultation to assess and guide you through your options.

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