How Will a DUI Conviction Affect Your Life? Get the Facts from the Best DUI Defense Attorney in Santa Ana CA

How Will a DUI Conviction Affect Your Life? Get the Facts from the Best DUI Defense Attorney in Santa Ana CA

Driving under the influence is a severe offense in California. Although most DUIs are prosecuted as misdemeanors rather than felonies, if you plead guilty to or are convicted of a DUI, it will be a criminal conviction that will appear on your record. Keep reading to learn more and discover how the best DUI defense attorney in Santa Ana CA can help you fight these charges.

DUIs and your future

What does a DUI conviction imply for your future? The obvious repercussions are that if you are convicted of a DUI, you will be sentenced to DUI school, fines, probation, or jail, and your license will be suspended. But, in addition to the legal ramifications, a DUI conviction has practical implications that can affect the rest of your life.

Your future career options could be at risk

Getting and retaining a job may be one of the most difficult tasks for persons with DUI convictions. This is especially true if you work in certain professions, such as those that require you to drive or are in the public spotlight. For example, if you work as a spokesman, a firm may not want to retain you on since your criminal past may become a problem. This is one reason it is important to hire the best DUI defense attorney in Santa Ana CA.

Employers in California are allowed to check some parts of potential workers’ records, such as their driving histories and criminal records, under state law. Many job applications expressly inquire if the applicant has ever been arrested or convicted of a crime, and employers may follow up with a criminal history check. You may not get employed if you have a DUI conviction on your record.

In other situations, such as if a person wants to drive a school bus, a firm will simply be unable to hire someone with a DUI record. Either that individual will be unable to acquire a commercial driver’s license and thus be unable to operate the bus, or the firm will be unable to secure insurance for that person.

In other situations, a firm will simply refuse to accept someone with a DUI record; when two applicants with equal qualities are presented, many companies will select the one who does not appear to have an alcohol or drug problem.

Background checks are run in many situations

Background checks may have an influence on your life in ways other than gaining jobs. Many states have tightened volunteer limits, especially when it comes to working with children. Coaching, volunteering at a child’s school, and other positions fall under this category. In certain situations, background checks may only look into crimes that might jeopardize children’s safety and well-being. This restricted sort of background check may not reveal a DUI.

A DUI conviction may have serious consequences in many parts of your life, which is why you should hire the best DUI defense attorney in Santa Ana CA. To book a free first consultation call the Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088. We’ll be there for you every step of the way, from defending you against DUI accusations to counseling you on how to manage future job and other difficulties.

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