Is an E-Scooter DUI Possible? A Santa Ana DUI Attorney Explains

girl is taking her electric scooter denim style flowers behind her

As the popularity of electric scooters, commonly known as e-scooters, surges in cities throughout California, they present an eco-friendly, budget-friendly, and enjoyable commuting alternative. Despite their speed limitations, e-scooters can pose significant risks, especially when operated under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, commonly known as DUI, is illegal in California. The definition of DUI in California law is broad and includes operating “a vehicle,” encompassing cars, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, skateboards, bicycles, and e-scooters. This is unlike certain states where DUI laws only pertain to motor vehicles. Keep reading to learn more and contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 if you require a free legal consultation.

Understanding California DUI Laws

In Santa Ana, CA, a DUI defense attorney can illustrate that California law forbids driving under the influence in two primary ways. Firstly, you can be accused of DUI if your blood alcohol content (BAC) exceeds .08% (for most drivers — this limit is reduced for drivers under 21, those currently on DUI probation, or operators of commercial vehicles).

Secondly, regardless of your BAC, you can be charged with a DUI if you are unable to operate a vehicle with the care and caution characteristic of a reasonable sober person. In essence, if your driving is unsafe and you display signs of intoxication (such as bloodshot, watery eyes or slurred speech), you may face DUI charges.

Consequences of DUI in California

DUI convictions in California carry severe penalties, which may impact your ability to drive if you receive a DUI while operating an e-scooter. A first-time DUI conviction could result in jail time, DUI probation, a driver’s license suspension, community service, mandatory drug or alcohol classes, and substantial fines and fees. However, if you are using an e-scooter without a driver’s license, the state cannot suspend your license. Nevertheless, you will still face other penalties associated with a DUI.

The idea of hopping onto an e-scooter after consuming alcohol or drugs might not seem serious. While the probability of causing harm to others or yourself is less than when driving a motor vehicle, it remains dangerous. Moreover, it could result in all of the severe consequences mentioned above.

Seeking Legal Assistance

If you’ve been charged with a DUI for operating an e-scooter while intoxicated, a Santa Ana, CA DUI defense attorney can assist in challenging the charges. Your lawyer can deploy a range of factual and legal defenses. For instance, if a police officer alleges erratic e-scooter operation, your attorney could argue this is due to your lack of experience with e-scooters and not impairment.

At Chambers Law Firm, we represent clients across Southern California facing DUI charges. We advocate tenaciously for our clients, striving tirelessly to help them secure the best possible outcomes. To learn more or to schedule a free initial consultation with a DUI defense attorney in Santa Ana, CA, contact us today at 714-760-4088 or via our email at

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