Do You Need a California Attorney Experienced in Sex Trafficking Defense Options?

Do You Need a California Attorney Experienced in Sex Trafficking Defense Options? A charge of sex trafficking in California is a serious charge. It can result in jail time, significant penalties, and life-long stigma. The good news is that being accused of sex trafficking is not the same thing as being convicted. When you work with a southern California attorney who’s experienced in defending clients against sex trafficking charges, you increase your chances of the best possible outcome to your case. Keep reading to learn more and then contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088.

What exactly is sex trafficking?

According to California and federal laws, sex trafficking refers to transporting a person for the purpose of using them as a prostitute, or forcing or coercing them into being a prostitute. Of course, prostitution refers to accepting services, money, or goods in exchange for sex. According to California laws, there are actually three different roles within prostitution: The customer, the prostitute, and the middleman.

The prostitute and the customer can both be charged with engaging in or offering money for sex, which is legally referred to as solicitation. However, the middleman, sometimes referred to as a pimp, can be charged as well, if they took some of the payment, participated in the agreement being made, supervised the act, or procured a prostitute via methods of sex trafficking.

The potential penalties for sex trafficking

It’s true that society often wants people involved in prostitution to be punished severely, but the good news is that in most cases the punishment is actually not very severe. Typically, solicitation or sex trafficking will be charged as a misdemeanor that comes with a maximum jail time of six months and fines of up to $1,000.

However, there are a few exceptions. First, if someone is repeatedly charged, then they may experience stiffer penalties. Those who are involved in prostitution with minors can pay fines of up to $100,000 and have their property and assets confiscated.

Legal defenses for sex trafficking

Even if the consequences aren’t as severe as they are for other crimes, no one wants to have this conviction on their record. That’s why you need to work with an experienced attorney like Chambers Law Firm. We have numerous defense options available, including showing that you were entrapped by the police or going after the evidence used against you. In the event that there is a lot of evidence against you, we may be able to find a plea bargain that results in no jail time.

Don’t wait to get help from an attorney

If you’ve been charged with sex trafficking then you need to contact an attorney as soon as possible. The sooner we start working on your case, the better your chances are. You have nothing to lose either – just call us at 714-760-4088 for a free case evaluation.

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