New Law Allows Free or Discounted Rides to Inebriated Bar Patrons

The law has generated some controversy by those who say it will lead to irresponsible drinking

New Law Allows Free or Discounted Rides to Inebriated Bar Patrons

When going out to celebrate with drinks on the town, the smart thing to do is have one person be the designated driver — or to plan ahead and save some funds for a ride-share, taxi, or even a hotel. After all, no matter how much a ride home may cost, it will be far less than the expense and pain of an arrest for driving under the influence — not the mention the potential for hurting yourself or other people. But even people with the best intentions sometimes fail to plan ahead, with the result being that they end up drinking too much with no way to get home safely. With that in mind, California lawmakers passed a new law designed to help those people from getting behind the wheel of a car and causing an accident.

Assembly Bill 711, which went into effect January 1, allows alcohol sellers and manufacturers to provide vouchers or codes for free or discounted rides through ride-sharing services or taxis to inebriated customers. Previously, anyone with an alcohol license could not offer anything of more than “inconsequential value” to patrons, although wine and liquor manufactures could temporarily pay for rides for attendees at private events. These codes can now be offered to any patron, as long as they are not given as an incentive to purchase a product. The ultimate goal of the legislation is not to give people a reason to spend more money on alcohol, but to avoid the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol.

Drunk driving is a serious problem in California and across the United States, and is one of the leading causes of serious and fatal automobile injuries in the country. That is why California has such harsh consequences for drinking and driving, according to an experienced Los Angeles DUI defense lawyer. If you have been arrested for a DUI in California, you will be facing a number of penalties, from the loss of your license to potential jail time or probation to community service, mandatory DUI school, fines and fees. Having a skilled Los Angeles DUI defense lawyer to represent you can help, but it is often a costly and stressful experience — one that everyone should attempt to avoid.

That is why this new law may prove to be hugely beneficial to all Californians. While some have argued that it may cause bar patrons to drink more, knowing that they have a way to get a free ride home, it may ultimately be the best way to reduce the incidence of drunk driving on California’s roads. We fully support any measure that will help people get home safely.

At the Chambers Law Firm, we represent people who have been charged with drunk driving in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. If you have been arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence, you will need a highly experienced Los Angeles DUI defense lawyer to advocate for your rights. Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or to schedule a free initial consultation and learn more about how we can help you.

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