Play It Safe This St. Patrick’s Day

Learn how you can celebrate all things Irish without risking a DUI.

Play It Safe This St. Patrick’s DayThis Friday, it seems that we are all Irish — no matter what our heritage actually is! St. Patrick’s Day is a time to let loose, perhaps eat some traditional Irish food (or not), and drink some green beer or Irish whiskey. But at the Chambers Law Firm, we urge you that if you plan to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, to do so responsibly.

St. Patrick’s Day has long been associated with excessive drinking — to the point that some colleges and universities have actually scheduled their spring breaks over the holiday to try to avoid the problem. To be sure, it can be fun to go on a bar tour or just have a night out with friends who are all wearing green, but if that night ends in the hospital or in jail, you definitely will not be feeling the luck of the Irish.

In California, it is against the law to drive with a blood alcohol content of .08 percent or higher (less if you are under the age of 21, on DUI probation or driving a commercial vehicle), or to drive if you are incapable of operating a vehicle with the care of a reasonable sober person. If you are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you could face serious consequences, including losing your license, mandatory DUI school, community service, fines and penalties, and parole — or possibly even jail. As a DUI lawyer in Tustin, CA will tell you, jail time may be unusual for a first-time DUI offender — but it is not outside of the realm of possibilities.

So how can you avoid being charged with a DUI this St. Patrick’s Day? Well, the best and most obvious answer is to not drink and drive. You should always have a designated driver, or take a taxi, Uber or Lyft if you plan to drink that evening. Alternatively, plan to get a hotel or stay with a friend if you are going to drink. Remember that even if a hotel is expensive or an Uber or Lyft is charging “surge” pricing, it is still less expensive (and risky) than being charged with a DUI. Otherwise, drink in moderation. Make sure that you have plenty to eat, and alternate your alcoholic beverages with non-alcoholic beverages with water. Remember that energy drinks and caffeine will not sober you up, and may actually increase your intoxication — the only think that will sober you up is time. So if you have been drinking, do not ever get behind the wheel of a car. Not only could you get arrested, but you could hurt or even kill someone in an accident — including yourself.

If you have been arrested for a DUI, you will need the help of an experienced DUI lawyer. In Tustin, CA, contact the Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 or Our attorneys will put together the best possible factual and legal defenses to the charges against you, and will aggressively negotiate a reduction or dismissal of the charges. We will work with you to achieve a favorable resolution to the case, and will stand beside you every step of the way. Initial consultations are always free — contact us today!

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