Protect your Son or Daughter Against Underage DUI

Protect your Son or Daughter Against Underage DUI

Summer is so awesome for many reasons – fun BBQs, relaxing beach days, endlessly sunny weather, and more. But if your son or daughter is under 21, the risk of getting an underage DUI goes up dramatically during the summer months. All the end-of-year celebrations and graduation parties can easily get out of hand and lead to serious consequences.

Protect your teen from underage DUI

Many teens and parents have no idea how easy it is to get an underage DUI. The legal BAC (blood alcohol limit) for anyone under 21 is .01%. That means that even if a teen just has a few sips of alcohol or one beer, they could be arrested and charged with DUI under California law. That’s because of California’s Zero Tolerance Law, which aims to protect teens against driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol through harsh penalties.

License suspension and DUI classes

If your son or daughter is charged and later convicted of underage DUI, their driver’s license will be suspended for a minimum of one year – in many cases, it’s suspended for a much longer period of time. Most sentences also include mandatory DUI class attendance, and there may be other requirements, too.

Effects on college admissions and job application

They’ll also have to report the DUI conviction on college admission and job applications, just like an adult. Many teenagers are incredibly ambitious, but if they make just one small mistake, their future success could be jeopardized.

Prevent conviction

If your son or daughter is arrested for underage DUI, conviction isn’t inevitable. There are many plausible and effective defenses that may apply to their case. Find out what can be done to prevent conviction in this underage DUI case by contacting Attorney Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm. Your first initial consultation is free, so you should contact Attorney Chambers ASAP after the arrest to book an appointment.

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Prevent an underage DUI arrest

If your son or daughter hasn’t been arrested for underage DUI, make sure you let them know the risks of having even a tiny bit of alcohol and driving. Just about every teen knows not to get drunk and drive, but many are shocked to find out that even having a small amount of alcohol or drugs in their system can result in a DUI arrest.

Often it helps to let teens know about the long-term consequences of a DUI as well. Tell them about the serious impact a DUI arrest will have on their present circumstances and their future success. Then trust them to make a wise decision – that’s part of growing up. Hopefully they won’t make a mistake that leads to a DUI arrest, but if they do, contact Attorney Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm with expert legal assistance right away.

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