Punishment Eased for Juvenile Offenders in California

A set of nine bills will help youthful offenders move forward with their lives.

Punishment Eased for Juvenile Offenders in California

In mid-October, Governor Jerry Brown signed nine bills that were designed to work together to help people who committed crimes as children or teens get their lives back on track. These laws will help the offenders and their families by increasing parole opportunities, reducing punishments, allowing courts to seal certain juvenile records, and limiting the administrative fees that families are charged when their children are in juvenile detention.

As experienced criminal defense attorneys in Orange County, CA, our office has seen how the criminal justice system has actively harmed many juvenile offenders. Many teens and children commit crimes impulsively. Research has shown that during adolescence, children’s brains are not fully formed. This can often make it difficult for teens to make smart choices and to avoid decisions that may land them in the juvenile justice system. When the court system then imposes heavy sentences that locks them up for years or even decades, it can make it difficult for these same teens to ever change their lives.

According to the bills’ sponsors, Senators Holly Mitchell of Los Angeles and Ricardo Lara of Bell Gardens, the practices of the California courts and fines issued by the courts tend to more heavily impact low-income, black and Latino children. These fines include charging families for the cost of their children’s care while in custody, including transportation, food, shelter, drug tests and more. They can range from $3.18 to $49 per day for juvenile hall to $3.50 to $30 per day for electronic monitoring. These fines generated 1.7 billion dollars, and more than 60% of that money went to fund court programs and services at the state and local level.

While it is important that people who commit crimes be held accountable for their actions, sentencing juveniles to harsh terms of imprisonment, charging their families for their care, limiting their parole opportunities and reducing their ability to obtain parole does not help their youthful offenders get their lives back on track. The new laws can help children who have committed crimes move forward in a more positive direction without being hampered by unfair laws that punish them far too harshly for their crimes.

At the Chambers Law Firm, our skilled team of criminal defense attorneys in Orange County, CA understand that children and teens sometimes act impulsively and that their actions may be a result of their youth. If your child has been charged with a crime, we will work with you and your child to achieve the best possible outcome. Our professionals stay abreast of all changes to the law, such as these recent changes, and will use our knowledge to your advantage. To schedule a free initial consultation and learn more about how we can help you, contact our firm today at 714-760-4088 or dchambers@clfca.com.

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