Don’t Take Charges Lying Down: Call a Firearm Charge Attorney in Anaheim Hills CA for Comprehensive Help
Being charged with a crime is always a frightening, frustrating, and confusing experience. If your charges are related to guns or weapons, then you need a qualified Firearm Charge Attorney in Anaheim Hills CA who can help you with your case. That attorney can be found by calling Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088. We are on your side and are ready to provide a free consultation. You can count on our offices to find the right defense options for you.
A Firearm Charge Attorney in Anaheim Hills CA Can Help with Charges for Possession of an Unlicensed Firearm or Illegal Weapon
If you have a firearm at your home or work that has not been licensed, then you can face misdemeanor charges. If the unlicensed weapon is taken out of either of those locations, then the charge could be a felony with a minimum sentence of 3 ½ years in prison. A charge of possession of an illegal weapon involves a variety of banned weapons and accessories, such as assault weapons, armor-piercing rounds, and stun guns.
Fight Charges of a Felon with a Firearm
If you have convicted of a felony then you do not have the legal right to own or even posses a gun in California. Even those convicted of certain misdemeanors, such as domestic violence, cannot legally own or possess a gun. The law prohibits others from owning a firearm, such as people who are addicted to narcotics. If you are accused of owning or possessing a firearm when you are not legally allowed to do so, Contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation.
Call a Firearm Charge Attorney in Anaheim Hills CA for Help with Charges Related to Brandishing a Weapon
Unless you have a special permit to do so, it is not legal to openly carry a loaded gun. If a loaded gun is being carried at a school or other government building, then the charges can be even more significant. If you are charged with brandishing a weapon, which means to display or draw it in a threatening way, you could be charged as well.
You Definitely Need a Firearm Charge Attorney in Anaheim Hills CA if Shots Were Fired
In a case in which shots were fired, you need to contact a Firearm Charge Attorney in Anaheim Hills CA. Even if no one was injured, you can still be charged with a variety of crimes, including assault with a firearm. If you were in a vehicle from which shots were fired, you could potentially be charged even if you did not fire a single shot or touch a gun.
Your consultation with a Firearm Charge Attorney in Anaheim Hills CA is entirely confidential and free of charge. Contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 to move forward.