Choose and execute an effective defense strategy with help from your internet crime lawyer in Chino CA.
Due to the complexity of the laws surrounding different sorts of internet crimes, the public defender may have trouble giving you the best possible representation. Don’t risk it! Hire an experienced internet crime lawyer in Chino CA such as Dan E. Chambers. Chambers Law Firm many years of experience in criminal law encompass work as both a prosecutor and a defense attorney, so he can see the evidence in your case from both sides. He keeps up with case law and precedents on internet crimes and he can provide you with the aggressive and effective defense strategy needed to bring your case to the most favorable conclusion possible.
At Chambers Law Firm we handle all the following common types of internet crimes:
- Internet Fraud
- Cyberstalking
- Hacking
- Identity Theft
- Phishing
- Data Theft
- Online distribution of child pornography
- And more
Securing the Best Possible Outcome in Your Case
When it comes to defending against charges for various internet crimes, naturally it all depends on the nature of the charges and the facts of your case. However, every case presents the following 3 main options for an internet crime lawyer in Chino CA to consider:
- Getting Charges Dropped: In cases where you have strong evidence of your innocence, or evidence that police collected evidence illegally, your attorney may be able to get the charges dropped before trial.
- Plea Deal: If the evidence as to your guilt is quite strong, your attorney may advise you to enter a guilty plea in exchange for a reduced charge or reduced sentence.
- Trial: Of course going to trial to defend yourself against the charges is always an option. As an internet crime lawyer in Chino CA with ample courtroom experience, Dan E. Chambers can provide an aggressive defense in this situation.
Reach Your Internet Crime Lawyer in Chino CA When You Need Him
While other law firms may make you go through layers of secretaries and paralegals to reach your internet crime lawyer in Chino CA, we provide every client with Dan’s personal cell phone number so you can reach him directly for answers to any questions you may have.
Start Building Your Defense Now
No matter how large or small the penalties at stake in your case may be, you deserve quality representation from Dan E. Chambers. Get the process started by calling 714-760-4088 to schedule a free initial consultation with Dan and learn more about what he can do for you as your internet crime lawyer in Chino CA.