You’re in expert hands with Dan E. Chambers as your Covina CA criminal defense attorney
When you’re the target of a criminal investigation, time is of the essence in protecting your rights. Contact Dan E. Chambers immediately and you’ll have the expert Covina CA criminal defense attorney you need on your side. Chambers Law Firm will get to work immediately and begin building a compelling defense designed to secure a favorable outcome to your case. Dan has served as a criminal defense attorney in Covina CA for years and he knows the ins and outs of all kinds of cases, including:
DUI Crimes
Dan can help disprove charges of driving under the influence as well as defend against other types of drug crimes.
Sex Crimes
Don’t get stuck on the California Sex Offender Registry without a fight! Dan can defend against charges of sexual misconduct, sex trafficking and other sex crimes.
White Collar Crimes
Dan understands the technicalities involved in white collar crimes like embezzlement, forgery, fraud, theft, burglary, and trade secret theft, and he can use them to your advantage.
Internet Crimes
As your criminal defense lawyer in Covina CA, Dan can defend you against charges of cybercrime, internet fraud, technology crime, online identity theft, online stalking, and more.
Violent Crimes
Allegations of homicide, murder, vehicular manslaughter, aggravated arson, domestic violence, elder abuse, and assault & battery can be quite serious, but Dan will not be intimidated. He’s ready to help as your Covina CA criminal defense lawyer.
Your Case is Always a Priority
The last thing you want is to end up with a Covina CA criminal attorney who doesn’t have time to give your case the attention it deserves. Dan treats every case as a priority, because he knows that even a minor offense is a big deal to the person accused of it.
This Covina CA Criminal Defense Attorney Loves a Challenge!
Sometimes a criminal attorney in Covina CA takes a cookie-cutter approach to defending his clients, using the same legal strategy in each case without bothering to determine if this is the best strategy for the circumstances. You don’t have to worry about this type of laziness when you choose Dan as your criminal defense attorney. Dan loves a challenge, and he will not hesitate to work day and night to complete the investigative research required to thoroughly analyze the evidence against you and craft an expert legal defense tailor made for you.