Three Strikes Defense Lawyer in Grand Terrace CA

Is This Your 3rd Strike?

Have You Been Charged With A
Serious Felony?

Do You Face A Potential Life Sentence?

Call Today For A Free Consultation

You Are Not Out of Options: Learn How a Three Strikes Defense Lawyer in Grand Terrace CA Can Help

Too often, people who are facing a Third Strike conviction feel as though they are out of options. They feel that their only choice is to plead guilty and accept the consequences. The fact of the matter is that there are options available to you. Keep reading to learn more or contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation.

Fight Back Against Harsh and Unfair Penalties for a Third Strike

The problem with a Third Strike is that if you are convicted, you will face additional penalties beyond what your crime warrants. The good news is that nothing is certain until the case is complete. You can contact a three strikes lawyer in Grand Terrace CA to ensure that you have someone on your side to fight against these unfair processes.

Do Not Panic: Your Current Charge May Not Trigger a Third-Strike Penalty

If you are facing a felony this does not mean you are necessarily in danger of third-strike penalties. Why? Because not all charges are eligible – it must be a “serious” and/or “violent” offense according to the judge. This would include things like murder, rape, kidnapping, certain drug charges, and child molestation. If the charge you are facing is not violent or serious then your three strikes defense lawyer in Grand Terrace CA can argue against you being affected by the third-strike penalties.

We Can Work to Beat the Third Strike Charge

There are a few ways in which we can work to help you when facing a third strike, including showing that there is not enough evidence to convict you of the charges you are facing. If you are not convicted of the crime then it cannot count as a Third Strike. This is the best possible outcome you three strikes defense lawyer in Grand Terrace CA can work for because it results in no penalties.

It is Possible to Have the Charge Reduced to a Non-Strikable Offense

Another option is to negotiate with the District Attorney and get the charges reduced to a charge that does not come with the Third Strike sentencing enhancements. If there is a wealth of evidence against you then this could be the right way forward.

Your Best Option May Be to Have an Old Offense Reclassified

If you are going to plead guilty to a strikable offense, you are still not out of options. The last-ditch effort is a Romero Motion, which, if granted, would requalify a previous charge. Instead of being a strikable offense, it would be reclassified as a non-strikable offense. You cannot be convicted of a third strike if you only have one previous strike.

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