What Are Your Options? Ask an SB 1437 Lawyer in Newport Beach CA
If you have heard of the recent changes to the felony murder law in California, and you or a loved one has been convicted and sentenced according to it, then you may wonder: What are your options? The best way to get a direct answer to your specific questions is to contact an SB 1437 lawyer in Newport Beach CA for a free legal consultation by calling Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088. You can also read on for more details.
If None of This is True You May Be Eligible for Resentencing
In the event that none of the four following facts are true of the person who has been previously sentenced under felony murder law, then they would no longer qualify under said law:
- They actually killed a person.
- They acted with intent to kill. For example, they helped or encouraged the killer.
- They were a major participant in the crime and acted with reckless indifference to human life.
- The murder victim was an on-duty police officer and the defendant knew (or reasonably should have known) that they were a police officer.
Note that there is still much that is unknown about how the courts will read and apply this law. For example, what will they consider “major participation” in the crime? We assume this will include things such as supplying weapons for the crime, taking part in planning of the crime, and being aware of significant details. However, it is too early to know the full application of this law. This is one of the reasons to contact an SB 1437 lawyer in Newport Beach CA for specific help with your specific case.
How Many People Will Be Affected by SB 1437?
The law is relatively recent, which means that the full amplitude of its effects are not yet clear. Experts and many SB 1437 lawyers in Newport Beach CA say that at least hundreds but potentially thousands of people could have their sentences reduced. Many could be released from prison altogether. Those who advocate for fairer sentences and a reduction in state and federal costs of incarceration note that it costs an average of $80,000 per year to house one inmate. This law could reduce the state’s burden and help unfairly sentenced individuals contribute to society again.
Do Not Wait: Get a Free Consultation from an SB 1437 Lawyer in Newport Beach CA
The plain truth is that there is no reason to waste time. Contact an attorney today and find out if your case qualifies for a sentence reduction. You can always reach out to Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for more information on your particular case. We are happy to offer a free initial consultation.