Accused of mistreating a resident? Protect your good name with help from a nursing home abuse attorney in Riverside CA.
By 2050, nearly 90 million Americans will be age 65 or older and 19 million will be age 85 or older. Many of these individuals will need some amount of nursing home care, whether they become a permanent resident or need short term care while recovering from an injury or illness. The nursing home industry is already overburdened and unstaffed, a condition that has led to an “epidemic” of nursing home abuse. More residents will most likely mean even more complaints.
As a nursing home worker, you may face allegations of abuse in your career and some may even proceed to court. For the best possible chance of clearing your good name, exercise your legal right to quality defense counsel by calling a nursing home abuse attorney in Riverside CA like Chambers Law Firm as soon as accusations are made.
Expert Defense for All Types of Abuse Charges
Many different actions can fall under the category of nursing home abuse, including:
- Physical abuse
- Neglect and endangerment
- Emotional and psychological abuse
- Sexual abuse
As an experienced nursing home abuse attorney in Riverside CA, Dan E. Chambers can provide a strong defense against any charge, regardless of the specific type of abuse involved. He will not shy away from pursuing a challenging legal strategy if that provides the best possible chance of a favorable resolution to your case, but instead will work hard to gather the necessary evidence. In addition to securing evidence to support your position, he will also make a point of looking for evidence and arguments that will undermine the prosecution’s position, thus creating a two-pronged approach for your defense.
Accident or Abuse?
Unfortunately, false nursing home abuse charges are sometimes raised after accidents because residents have physical or mental issues that prevent them from telling their side of the story, and well-meaning family members assume the worst. For instance, let’s say a nursing home resident breaks their arm. This type of injury could be caused by a fall rather than any deliberate harm on the part of a caretaker. It is very important to have an experienced nursing home abuse attorney in Riverside CA on your side in such a situation, because they will have contacts with medical experts who can analyze the evidence in the case and testify as to the nature of the injury-be it deliberate or accidental.
Schedule a Free Consultation with a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Riverside CA
It’s never too soon in the process of an abuse investigation to protect yourself by hiring a nursing home abuse attorney in Riverside CA. All you have to do to get a free initial consultation with Dan E. Chambers is call 714-760-4088. Dan will be happy to explain the charges that may be filed against you, the penalties you may face, and the defense options available.