Is a criminal conviction casting a shadow over your future? Expungement can help you get a fresh start.
Long after repaying their debt to society by serving their sentence, individuals can face considerable discrimination due to their criminal record. For example, a misdemeanor or a felony conviction can make it difficult to find a job, advance in your career, or even rent an apartment.
Fortunately, California law does provide certain offenders with the ability to get a fresh start after a conviction. This process is called expungement.
What an Expungement Can Do for You
When a judge grants an expungement, they set aside the prior “guilty” plea or conviction, allow you to enter a plea of “not guilty,” and then dismiss the case. While this process will not actually erase the conviction from your record, it will make it invisible to most entities that might run a background check on you. This means it will be easier to:
- Find a job—employers may not discriminate based on expunged convictions
- Secure a state professional license
- Get a green card or US citizenship
However, certain state agencies will still be able to see the expunged conviction on your record, and it will be counted as a prior if you are convicted of any crimes in the future.
Are You Eligible for Expungement?
Unfortunately, not all convictions can be expunged. The best way to determine your eligibility is to consult an experienced expungement attorney from Chambers Law Firm. However, in general, you should be eligible to have your conviction expunged provided that:
- You were not sentenced to state prison
- You have successfully completed your sentence and probation
- You are not currently charged with or on probation for another criminal offense
- You were not convicted of certain sex crimes against children
Probation Violations in Your Past? Don’t Give Up
Just because you received a probation violation doesn’t necessarily mean expungement is out of the question. It just means your case will be more complicated. As your expungement attorney, we can request a special hearing that will provide an opportunity to convince the judge that you are still deserving of the relief that expungement can provide, despite your probation violation.
Let Us Guide You Through the Expungement Process
At Chambers Law Firm, we have ample experience in helping individuals expunge all kinds of criminal records, from simple misdemeanors to offenses that require seeking a felony reduction before expungement. You can trust us for clear information about your rights and effective representation through every step of the process required to secure your expungement. If you are currently on probation, we can help you get your expungement faster by petitioning for an early termination of probation. We can typically appear at all stages of the proceedings for you, so you don’t have to worry about fitting the necessary court dates into your schedule.
To learn more, please contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free initial consultation.