Staying Safe On The Road After The Big Game

Football games often mean drinking — which means that fans need to make smart choices so that they are not driving under the influence.

Staying Safe On The Road After The Big Game

Fall is here, and with it comes one of our favorite pastimes: watching football! Across Southern California, we have plenty of teams to root for — and to celebrate with a few drinks.  But whether you’re at the big game, watching at a sports bar or hanging out with friends for the game, think twice before getting behind the wheel of a car if you’re under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Both college and professional football games are notorious for fans having a few (or more than a few) beers or other alcoholic beverages before, during or after the game.  With California’s strict DUI laws, the potential for being arrested for a DUI after a big game is incredibly high.  Under California law, if you are driving with a blood alcohol content of .08 percent or higher, you could be arrested for driving under the influence.  This could lead to a slew of penalties, including community service, a license suspension, probation, fines, DUI school, an ignition interlock device (in some counties) and even jail time, depending on the severity of the offense.

If you’re heading out to watch the game, be aware of how much you are drinking, and your level of intoxication.  In hot weather or in situations where you have not eaten enough food, you may find yourself becoming more intoxicated than usual.  Avoid drinking too much, too fast, and drink in moderation. If possible, have a designated driver who will stay sober throughout the game.  If you and your friends have all been drinking, consider calling a cab or getting an Uber, or find a local hotel where you can crash so that you won’t be driving under the influence.

Driving under the influence can have severe consequences both for the driver and for anyone that he or she may hurt in an accident.  Drinking and using drugs impairs our ability to react and makes us less safe as drivers.  The best thing to do is to not drive if you have been drinking or using drugs — even if you think that you are OK to drive.    It can be incredibly hard to gauge your own level of intoxication and determine if you’re safe to drive.  When in doubt, err on the side of caution and don’t drive if you have been drinking or using drugs.  As any Riverside DUI lawyer will tell you, many people who think that they are able to drive after drinking are mistaken — and they are often arrested and charged with DUI.

If you are arrested for a DUI infraction after a football game, remember that you have the right to remain silent and to request a lawyer.  Call the Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 or email us as soon as possible after an arrest to protect your legal rights and advocate for you.  We can request an administrative hearing with the DMV within 10 days after your arrest to ensure that your license is not automatically suspended.  This hearing will give our attorneys the opportunity to contest the suspension and to get a preview of the state’s case against you.   We can then zealously represent you in the criminal case, working to have the charges reduced or dismissed.

The Chambers Law Firm offers free initial consultations, and a wealth of experience in defending DUI cases in Southern California.  Attorney Dan E.  Chambers excels at handling both the criminal and administrative aspects of DUI cases.  You will have peace of mind knowing that you have the best Riverside DUI lawyer on your side.  Contact the Chambers Law Firm today at 714-760-4088 or to set up your free initial consultation.


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