Tackling Federal Weapons and Gun Charges: A Comprehensive Guide

In California, while a significant number of weapons offenses are state felonies investigated by local law enforcement and prosecuted in state courts, there is a spectrum of weapons offenses that lead to federal charges. Prosecuted in federal court by the U.S Attorney’s office, these offenses carry substantial penalties.

If convicted of a federal firearms crime, a sentence could range anywhere from five to ten years, even up to a life term depending on the case specifics. Such grave charges necessitate an equally serious response. Contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 if you would like to speak to a federal defense attorney who can help you.

The Federal Definition of a “Firearm”

Weapons offenses include violations of laws that govern deadly weapons such as firearms. By federal definition, a firearm is “any weapon (including a starter gun) that will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or any destructive device.”

There Are Federal Laws Overseeing All Aspects of Weapons

Federal laws oversee the purchase, sale, possession, manufacture, import, and distribution of firearms, prohibiting the sale of firearms to certain restricted groups, including convicted felons, and completely banning the sale of certain firearms like semiautomatic assault weapons and machine guns.

Potential Federal Weapons Charges You Could Face

Federal weapons offenses are governed by Title 18 of the United States Code and include a wide array of accusations like unauthorized possession, guns trafficking, fraud, and violent crimes. The most common accusation involves individuals who, having previously been convicted of a crime, are prohibited from possessing any sort of firearm.

Federal allegations often surface when weapons are unlawfully produced, transferred across state boundaries, or used to commit a federal crime. Individuals found in violation of federal firearms laws face varying criminal punishments, depending on the nature of the conduct, any aggravating factors, and the defendant’s prior history. The penalties are stringent, ranging from hefty fines to extended prison sentences without parole.

Contact a Federal Defense Attorney for Help Today

Despite the inherent difficulty of federal weapons charges, all hope is not lost. These cases can be contested effectively by a seasoned, trial-tested criminal defense attorney. The burden of proof lies with the prosecution, who must establish their case beyond a reasonable doubt, the highest level of proof required in criminal court.

To combat federal firearms charges and protect your reputation, your attorney can prevent the prosecution from establishing its case beyond a reasonable doubt by offering contradicting evidence, raising doubts in the minds of the judge and jury. Potential defenses could include claims of an unlawful search, lack of probable cause for arrest, insufficient evidence to prove the offense beyond a reasonable doubt, and many more.

Being charged with federal weapons offenses is undoubtedly a daunting situation. However, with expert legal advice, it’s possible to build a strong defense. At Chambers Law Firm, we are committed to providing a robust and comprehensive defense for our clients. If you are currently facing federal weapons charges, don’t hesitate to contact us at 714-760-4088 for a free, confidential consultation.

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