Taking Advil, Tylenol, or Ibuprofen? You could be arrested for DUI

Taking Advil, Tylenol, or Ibuprofen? You could be arrested for DUIMany people take over-the-counter medications like Advil, Tylenol, or Ibuprofen on a regular basis. Life can be full of aches and pains and there’s often not enough time in modern busy schedules to take a few hours off – much less a few days – to wait for sickness or pain to pass.

No time to rest when you’re sick

Those who have young children probably take Advil, Tylenol, or Ibuprofen more often than those who are childless or have older children. Waking up multiple times each night and dealing with all the germs that naturally get passed around at preschool and kindergarten can wreak havoc on just about anyone’s immune system. If you’re lucky, you’ll have a few extra moments to make yourself some soothing tea, but that’s not guaranteed. It’s more likely you’ll have to rush out the door to drop your kids off at school and make it to the office in time. More likely, you grab your tissue box on the way out the door and pop a couple pills to get through your day.

But wait! If you take Advil, Tylenol, or Ibuprofen, did you know that you could be putting yourself at risk for a DUI?

Cold medicine can affect BAC levels

You may be shocked to hear this because hardly any doctors or other medical professionals mention it – but it’s true. Over-the-counter, everyday cold medication can affect blood alcohol levels (BAC) and may even send you over the limit of .08%.

It happens a lot more than you may think – people don’t realize that Advil, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and other medications can affect their BAC levels. It could happen to you! You could be rushing through your day, trying to meet all your obligations despite not feeling well, but then you realize suddenly that the police officer behind you just turned on their lights.

After some questioning and some field sobriety tests, the officer announces that you’re being arrested for DUI. HUH?! You didn’t drink any alcohol!

But you did have some cold medicine, which you may have forgotten to measure, right before you got into the car…

Preventing a DUI conviction

OK so yes, your situation is very serious, but all you have to do is take a deep breath and at your earliest opportunity, contact Attorney Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm. He’s Southern California’s best DUI defense attorney, and he’s successfully won many of DUI cases during his multi-decade career. He’ll know exactly what to do according to the facts of your situation in order to acquire a complete dismissal of the charges, a lessening of the penalties, or another favorable outcome. You’re in great hands with Attorney Chambers.

It’s easy to contact the Chambers Law Firm to schedule your free initial consultation now. Simply call 714-760-4088, email dchambers@clfca.com, or use the chat box below.

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