The Consequences of Underage DUI on Your California Driving License

Despite it being against the law, underage alcohol consumption is a widespread issue. While some might argue for the lowering of the drinking age — especially for those old enough to vote or enlist in the military — California has firmly maintained the legal drinking age at 21. Under this law, anyone below that age is categorically forbidden from drinking alcohol.

Drunk driving is illegal for drivers of all ages. For drivers 21 or older, the legal blood alcohol content (BAC) limit is .08 percent. However, California has a strict zero-tolerance policy for those under 21. This policy means that underage drivers detected with any trace of alcohol in their system will face repercussions, including a suspended license. Keep reading to learn more and contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free consultation with a DUI attorney.

The Implications of Underage DUIs on License Suspension

The severity of the penalties for underage DUIs varies, depending largely on the driver’s level of intoxication. For instance, underage drivers with a .08% BAC could face imprisonment for a period ranging from 2 days to 6 months. Conversely, those with a BAC ranging from .01% to .05% will avoid jail time. However, irrespective of the BAC level, any underage DUI offense will lead to a one-year suspension of the driver’s license.

Unlike adults charged with DUI offenses, underage DUI offenders cannot obtain restricted licenses. These permits usually allow a person to commute for work or school purposes. For those arrested while under the age of 21, restricted licenses are unavailable. This restriction aims to deter teenagers and young adults from drinking and driving by making the punishment considerably harsher.

Avoiding a License Suspension: Legal Assistance and Strategies

For underage drivers charged with DUI, the only way to avert license suspension is through preventative measures. Engaging a proficient DUI attorney can be a critical first step. Your attorney can request a hearing with the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within ten days of your DUI arrest. During this hearing, your attorney can contest the legitimacy of your arrest on the grounds of insufficient cause, as well as gain insight into the state’s case against you. In the criminal court, your DUI lawyer can mount a rigorous defense, potentially negotiating a plea deal for a lesser charge or even having the charge dismissed altogether.

The legal team at Chambers Law Firm specializes in representing clients, including minors, charged with DUIs. Our extensive experience in DUI defense, combined with our commitment to our clients’ best interests at each stage of the process – from the DMV hearing to the final resolution of the criminal case – makes us a strong choice. Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or to schedule a free initial consultation with a DUI attorney.

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