This Holiday Season, Play It Safe with Drinking and Driving

Don’t risk a California DUI at a holiday party this season

selective focus of glasses and bottle of champagne, christmas decorations and presents against festive lights

Under California law, it is against the law to drive with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 percent or higher (or even lower for certain drivers, such as those currently on DUI probation or those who are under the age of 21). If you are pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence and found to have a BAC of .08 percent or higher — or are driving impaired by drugs or alcohol — you could be charged with the crime of driving under the influence.

Yet as the season of holiday parties is upon us, it can be challenging for many people to know just how many drinks will put you over the legal limit of .08 percent. Portable breathalyzers sold by various online retailers may be a fun party trick, but they are often not reliable. Most people would like to have a celebratory drink or two at an office holiday party or at a get-together with family or friends, but how do you know when one drink turns into too many drinks to safely drive?

Of course, as any experienced Riverside DUI lawyer will tell you, the safest course of action is to never drive if you have had anything to drink (or if you have used any drugs). Taking an Uber, having a designated driver, or getting a hotel room are all better alternatives to being arrested for a DUI.

There are many factors that can impact how alcohol impacts your body. Your age, gender and body type all play a role in how your body reacts to alcohol. The older you are, the more sensitive your body is to alcohol, while the more body fat you have, the less you will be affected by alcohol. Women tend to be more sensitive to alcohol than men, although the strength of the drink and rate of consumption will also have an effect. If you are on medication, that can increase your level of impairment. Similarly, if you have eaten a large meal before drinking, that will slow the absorption of alcohol compared to drinking on an empty stomach. Finally, if you use carbonated beverages such as soda, it can speed up the absorption of alcohol.

As you can see, the way that alcohol is metabolized in a person’s body is incredibly complex. That is why it truly is safer to make alternative arrangements if you plan to drink at all. There is no truly reliable way to predict how alcohol will affect you or your ability to drive after drinking. A DUI can have significant consequences on your life, resulting in thousands of dollars in fines and fees, the loss of your license, probation or jail time, community service, mandatory DUI school and other penalties. Even with the assistance of an experienced Riverside DUI lawyer, you could still face these consequences. That is why it is better to plan ahead this holiday season, and either do not drink at all, or have money for a cab or an Uber or Lyft.

If you have been charged with a DUI, the Chambers Law Firm can help. Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or to schedule a free initial consultation and learn how we can defend you against California DUI charges.

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