Truckers: What you need to know about DUI

Truckers: What you need to know about DUIIf you’re a truck driver, it’s important that you’re aware that if you’re arrested and convicted of a DUI, the consequences will be even harsher than they would normally be. Those who hold commercial driver licenses are held to higher standards because of the tremendous responsibility they carry when driving heavy trucks. When a trucker drives while intoxicated, he or she can cause serious damage – even loss of life – so that’s why California laws regarding truck drivers and DUIs are incredibly harsh.

Potential loss of your Commercial Driver License

A commercial driver license isn’t like a normal drivers license, so it carries special terms and conditions. For example, you could be in danger of losing your commercial driver license if you’re arrested for DUI while driving a regular car. You could lose your commercial driver license if you get arrested for:

  • a DUI (alcohol or drugs)
  • fleeing the scene of an accident
  • causing a fatality due to negligent driving
  • refusing an alcohol test
  • driving with a blood alcohol level above .08%
  • using a vehicle to commit a felony
  • using a vehicle to manufacture, distribute, or dispense a controlled substance
  • driving while your driver license is suspended, revoked, or cancelled

Other serious traffic offenses that could result in the suspension or revocation of your commercial driver license include:

  • following too closely
  • speeding 15mph or more above the posted speed limit
  • improper lane changes
  • operating a commercial vehicle without your commercial driver license in your possession
  • careless driving
  • driving a rig without the proper endorsement

Potential consequences

If you are convicted of any of these violations, you could be facing serious penalties, including the suspension o revocation of your license, points on your license, temporary or permanent loss of your job, higher insurance rates, stiff fines, and maybe even jail time – depending on the exact circumstances of your case.

Fight these charges and save your job

If you’re a trucker who recently got arrested for one or more of these violations, your top priority should be on finding an excellent DUI defense lawyer. Here in Southern California, Attorney Dan Chambers specializes in DUI defense, including trucker cases. Come speak with him about your case and he’ll offer you personalized legal advice.

You can schedule your free case evaluation now by calling 714-760-4088, emailing, or by using the chat box below.

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