What Are the Penalties for a First-Time California DUI?

A first-time conviction could potentially result in jail time.

What Are the Penalties for a First-Time California DUI?

California lawmakers are serious about stopping drivers from being on the road when they have had too much to drink. While they may not be able to physically take the keys out of Californians’ hands if they’ve had a few too many, what they can do is make sure the law reflects the severity of the crime of drinking and driving. That is why even first-time DUI offenses are punished harshly, according to Riverside DUI attorneys.

Over 200,000 drivers are arrested each year for driving under the influence (DUI) In California. Of these drivers, a number are facing their first arrest. Some may expect that because they have never been arrested for drinking and driving before, the prosecutor or judge will go easy on them. While it’s true that they will not face the same level of consequences as a repeat offender, a Riverside DUI attorney can tell you that a first-time California DUI offender will still be subjected to fairly signifiant penalties. In fact, if you are arrested for a DUI, you might even face jail time.

As an initial matter, the very first consequence for a DUI arrest comes immediately. While the criminal sanctions will be determined by a court (or through a plea deal), the California Department of Motor Vehicles has the power to administratively suspend your license if you have been arrested for a DUI. The police will confiscate your California driver’s license, and had you a notice that gives you ten days to request a hearing to contest the suspension. A Riverside DUI attorney can assist you with requesting a hearing with the DMV.

The potential criminal penalties are also harsh, if you are convicted or plead guilty pursuant to a plea deal. While a DUI is typically a misdemeanor offense, it still can lead to up to six months in jail, depending on the facts of the case. In most cases, probation will generally be ordered instead. Fines of up to $1,000, court costs and fees, an additional four month license suspension and an 18 to 30 month alcohol awareness program (DUI school) will also typically be ordered. Finally, you will be required to maintain SR22 insurance, a special type of policy for high risk drivers, for three years after you regain your driving rights. SR22 insurance is more expensive, and is another cost to be considered in relation to a DUI arrest.

Of course, just because you are arrested for a DUI does not mean that you will be convicted — or that you have to accept a plea deal. Having a highly skilled Riverside DUI attorney can help improve your chances of a favorable outcome. At the Chambers Law Firm, our team of professionals understands how to handle every step of the DUI process, from the initial arraignment to the DMV hearing to negotiating a deal to taking a case to trial if necessary. We will stand by your side and fight for your rights. Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or dchambers@clfca.com to learn more about how we can help you if you have been charged with a first-time, second-time, third-time or greater DUI offense.

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