What Happens at DUI School

DUI classes are required if you are convicted of driving under the influence in California. The number of classes you have to take will depend on the severity of the offense.

What Happens at DUI School

Under California law, anyone who is convicted of a DUI or “wet reckless” must attend DUI education classes.   If you haven’t attended a DUI school before, you may be confused about what exactly will be required of you — how long you have to attend, if you have to pay, and what happens if you don’t attend.  This article explains the basics of DUI school, and what you need to know if you’re convicted of DUI in California.

DUI School Requirements

Any organization that offers DUI education must be licensed by the state.  There are almost 500 licensed DUI programs in California, most of which require you to have either a court order or a license suspension notice to enroll.  Importantly, you must attend these classes in person.  Internet or online classes will not qualify as your mandatory DUI classes.
The length of time that you are required to attend DUI school and the cost of the program will depend on the type of conviction.  For example, if you were convicted of wet reckless (i.e., reckless driving involving alcohol), you may only be required to attend 12 hours of DUI classes.  The cost will likely be somewhere between $250 and $300.  If you are a repeat DUI offender, you could be required to go to DUI school for 30 months, at the cost of several thousand dollars. The length of each class will vary by the type of program that it is; it may include a combination of group and individual counseling and one to two hour classes.  You may also be required to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings or attend a victim impact program.  Your Riverside DUI lawyer can advise you as to the full scope of your sentence.

After being sentenced for a DUI, the court will require you to show proof of enrollment in DUI classes within 21 days.  You will also need to prove that you successfully completed the classes to complete the terms of your sentence. The provider will send proof of enrollment and proof of completion directly to the DMV and the court.

The cost of DUI school can be quite high, depending on the length of time that you’re required to attend.  Combined with other DUI costs and fees, many people may find that they cannot afford to pay for these programs.  There is the possibility of applying for a fee waiver, which is offered on sliding scale basis.  You can ask the DUI school provider for a financial assessment to determine if you qualify for reduced fees.

If your license has been suspended, you may be eligible for a restricted license that will allow you to drive to and from work, school and DUI classes.  Restricted licenses are only available on a limited basis, and require proof of enrollment in DUI school and proof of financial responsibility.  A skilled Riverside DUI lawyer can assist you with determining if you are eligible for a restricted license.

What Happens During DUI Classes?

The specific content of DUI school depends on the provider, but it typically will include a combination of counseling, education on California DUI laws, drug abuse and drinking.  These topics will be covered through lectures, group discussions and videos.  Counseling will take place both in one on one sessions and with a group.  While you do not have to actively participate in the education and group counseling components of DUI school, you are expected to stay awake during these times. You are also required to actively participate in your individual counseling sessions.

When you enroll in DUI school, you are expected to maintain your sobriety.  If your instructor suspects that you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol in class, you may be required to undergo chemical screening or be asked to leave the class.  If you are removed from the program, it will be considered a probation violation that could have additional consequences, including the issuance of a bench warrant for your arrest.

DUI school is just one of the penalties faced by anyone convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in California.  The cost and time commitment of attending these classes can be quite burdensome, particularly on top of the financial assessments, license suspension, possible jail time and community service.

If you’ve been charged with a DUI, contact a Riverside DUI lawyer with experience in defending clients against DUI charges.  The Chambers Law Firm offers free initial consultations to all of our clients, so that we can help you make an informed choice about how to proceed with your case.  Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or dchambers@clfca.com to learn more about how we can defend your rights!

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