What if I held my breath during a breath test before being arrested for DUI?

What if I held my breath during a breath test before being arrested for DUI?So you had a few beers while out celebrating, figured you were fine to drive home since you weren’t really drunk, just a bit tipsy… but then panicked when a police officer pulled you over on suspicion of DUI. When the time came to submit to the Breathalyzer, you figured that maybe holding your breath might make the reading a little bit less than it normally would be. Sounds about right…

But no—actually, holding your breath can cause an increased result. The Breathalyzer may record your BAC (blood alcohol concentration) levels as higher than they would be if you had just breathed normally while taking the test.

Surprising, right?

Well, there are many factors that influence BAC levels. That’s why avoiding a DUI charge can be such tricky business. No one can definitively say exactly how much he or she can drink and still stay below .08% BAC level. Whether you ate while drinking, if you exercise regularly, your gender – these are just some of the many factors that affect BAC levels. Determining whether you’re OK to drive can be confusing and rather ambiguous in the moment.

But then of course, when the police officer announces that you’re under arrest for DUI, the first thought that probably comes to mind is, “I should have just called an Uber!”

Live and learn… it’s best to only drive when 100% sober because risking getting charged with a DUI simply isn’t worth it.

California DUI laws are intense

Particularly here in Southern California, where DUI laws are some of the harshest in the country. Even if it’s your first DUI and you don’t have a criminal record, you could be facing fines, mandatory DUI class attendance, suspension of your license for a minimum or 4 months, and other penalties. 1st time DUIs are usually misdemeanors that don’t carry any jail time, but if certain aggravating factors are present, it might be on the table.

But don’t panic!

Simply get Southern California’s best DUI defense attorney on your side. Anyone who’s been arrested for DUI in Southern California would benefit from consulting with Attorney Chambers about their case. As a top Southern California DUI attorney with many years of experience, he knows California DUI law inside and out, and he’ll work hard to achieve a good outcome to your case.

Your first consultation with Attorney Chambers is free – so what are you waiting for? Schedule yours now by calling the Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088, or by emailing dchambers@clfca.com or using the chat box below.

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