What is implied consent in DUI cases?

What is implied consent in DUI cases?If you’ve ever been arrested and charged with DUI, or know someone who has, you’re probably aware that there are so many legal terms that may be confusing to those who aren’t familiar with California DUI laws. One of these terms that we at the Chambers Law Firm would like to explain to you today is the concept of implied consent. It’s important to be aware of this term, even if you haven’t ever been pulled over on suspicion of DUI, so you know what your rights are if you ever have to deal with a police officer who is considering arresting you.

What is implied consent?

Implied consent is a legal term that indicates that anyone who has been issued a California driver’s license agrees to submit to a DUI test when lawfully arrested on suspicion of DUI.

What are the effects of implied consent?

In practical terms, it means that if a police officer stops you at a field sobriety checkpoint, for a routine traffic violation, or for no obvious reason at all, he or she may request that you take a preliminary alcohol screening (“PAS”) test. You can (and most of the time, should) decline to take the PAS test, but then if you are arrested and taken to the police station, you’ll have to submit to either a blood or breath test. This requirement stems from implied consent that all California drivers agree to when they are issued a license.

If your blood alcohol level is over .08%, or if you test positive for drugs, you can be charged with DUI. If this happens to you, be sure to contact a highly qualified DUI defense attorney ASAP.

Introducing Attorney Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm

Attorney Dan Chambers knows all the ins-and-outs of the DUI system here in Southern California. As a former prosecutor, he is intimately familiar with all the legal terms and nuances of DUI cases. As a DUI defense specialist for many years, he has a unique perspective that he uses to achieve ideal outcomes in the majority of his DUI defense cases. He has successfully defended clients in thousands of DUI cases and tried many DUI cases over the years, resulting in the many acquittals, reductions of sentences, and other favorable outcomes.

Does this sound like the right person to defend you against a DUI charge?

Find out for sure by scheduling a free initial case evaluation with Attorney Chambers now. You’ll receive personalized legal advice and get all your most pressing questions answered by a Southern California DUI defense expert. Call 714-760-4088, email dchambers@clfca.com, or use the chat box below to schedule your first appointment with Attorney Chambers today.

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