What Should I Say If I Am Arrested For A DUI?

If you are arrested for a DUI in California, exercise your rights to protect your freedom.

What Should I Say If I Am Arrested For A DUI?

If you have been arrested for a DUI, chances are good that you’re intoxicated, and perhaps not in the best frame of mind for making good decisions.  However, what you say and do after an arrest can lead to serious consequences — which makes it all the more important that you think carefully before you open your mouth!

As a DUI lawyer in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, I have seen my fair share of clients who would have had a good shot at having their DUI charges dismissed — except that they said too much to the police.  Pleading your case to the police rarely results in them not arresting you — and it makes it more likely that you will be arrested.  Remember that the police are not there to help you — and anything you say “can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

Be Silent….But Not Completely Silent

Yes, you have the right to remain silent.  However, you should provide the requested identification to the officers, and be polite.  You may tell them that you are invoking your right to remain silent, and say that you will not answer questions without an attorney present.  Remember that the more you talk, the greater chance you have of getting into trouble.  You may come across as more intoxicated than you actually are due to stress or anxiety about possibly being arrested — or give the officers even more of an opportunity to detect the odor of alcohol on your breath.

Ultimately, trying to convince the officers to let you go because you “didn’t have that much,” “are good to drive,” or “have a really high tolerance” (or any other excuse) will most likely backfire.  Any admission that you consumed alcohol or drugs can be used against you — and may destroy any possible defenses that a DUI lawyer in Rancho Cucamonga, CA may be able to present on your behalf.

Think of it this way: there are any number of possible legal and factual defenses to a DUI charge.  Perhaps you have diabetes, and that caused a false positive blood alcohol content reading.  Maybe the police will make a mistake in administering a chemical test.  Perhaps the officers did not have probable cause to arrest you.  Any of these defenses could be destroyed if you admit to the officers that you have been drinking.  The smart move is to stay silent — no matter how difficult it may be to do so!

Ask For An Attorney

If you have been arrested on criminal charges (and a DUI is a criminal charge in California), you have the right to an attorney.  You should ask for one as soon as possible, and do so clearly and unambiguously.  Do not state, “I think maybe I need a lawyer.”  Say, “I want a lawyer.” A DUI Lawyer in Rancho Cucamonga, CA can make sure that your rights are not violated by the police, and that you get the best possible defense to the charges against you.

The Chambers Law Firm is here for anyone who has been arrested for a DUI.  With over twenty years of experience, attorney Dan E. Chambers is skilled at handling DUI cases.  Contact his office today at 714-760-4088 or dchambers@clfca.com to learn more about your DUI case, including possible defenses to the charge.

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