What to Do and Say If You’re Pulled Over for a DUI

Blue and red light siren flasher on top of police car. Flashing lights of police car, stopping the offender, traffic rules violation

Being stopped by law enforcement for any reason can be an intimidating situation, particularly if you’ve consumed alcohol or drugs and are concerned about a potential DUI charge. In California, DUI offenses come with severe penalties such as imprisonment or the installation of an ignition interlock device. Understanding what to say and do if pulled over can significantly help your DUI defense. Contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for a free legal consultation.

The Importance of Your Right to Remain Silent

If you find yourself stopped or arrested on suspicion of DUI, adhering to the following guidance on what to say—or what not to say—can make a difference in your legal defense. Anyone who has watched a police drama knows the phrase, “You have the right to remain silent.” It’s more than just a line from a TV show; it’s a vital legal protection.

Why Silence Is Golden

Speaking to an officer when suspected of a crime like DUI can often harm your case more than it can help. Be courteous, but utilize your constitutional right. Politely tell the officer that you are choosing to remain silent or that you’ve been advised not to answer questions.

The Risks of Speaking Out

Speaking up, especially if you’re dishonest, might get you into further trouble. Admissions or lies about how much you drank can severely hamper your lawyer’s ability to defend you or negotiate a favorable deal. Remaining silent also reduces the officer’s opportunities to detect signs of intoxication, such as alcohol odor or slurred speech. By speaking only when necessary, you limit the evidence against you.

Your best course of action is to respond only to required questions and provide necessary information. Doing so can make it easier for a DUI attorney to defend you if you are charged.

Need Help with a DUI Case? Contact Attorney Chambers

If you or someone you know has been arrested for a DUI, don’t hesitate to reach out to Chambers Law Firm. With more than twenty years of experience in handling DUI cases, our team is skilled in constructing robust defenses for our clients.

Contact us today at 714-760-4088 or via email to learn more about your DUI case, including potential defenses. Remember, exercising your right to remain silent during a stop can be your best ally in defending against a DUI charge.

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