Why the Prosecutor Might Drop Your DUI Charge

These are the most common reasons prosecutors decide to drop DUI charges:

  • Why the Prosecutor Might Drop Your DUI ChargeThe defense has a solid argument that will likely sway the judge or jury in their favor.
  • The prosecutor’s physical evidence is weak. For example, in a DUI case, perhaps the BAC (blood alcohol level) of the defendant measured at .09%, just slightly above the .08% limit. The defense could reasonably argue that mistakes in administering the test as well as the fallibility of the breathalyzer could have resulted in an abnormally high reading.
  • New evidence exonerates the accused.
  • The prosecutor’s most solid evidence has been ruled inadmissible in court. This can happen if the evidence was obtained without a valid warrant or through police misconduct.
  • The prosecutor may offer a plea deal to the defendant. When that happens, the prosecutor drops the more serious charge when the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge.

Need help with your Southern California DUI case?

There are other reasons that prosecutors may drop your DUI charges, but these are the most frequently cited ones. If you’re dealing with a DUI charge right now, don’t go it alone, and definitely don’t hire a sub-par attorney who won’t take your case seriously.

Navigate your entire DUI case with perfect assurance when you hire Attorney Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm. He will help you understand the charges you’re facing and begin crafting a solid defense strategy as soon as you contact him to schedule your first consultation. As a former prosecutor, he knows all their savvy tactics, so he’s uniquely poised to help you avoid a conviction in your DUI case.

Anyone who’s been arrested for DUI in Southern California should contact Attorney Chambers for immediate assistance. All prospective clients can schedule their free case evaluation now by calling 714-760-4088, emailing dchambers@clfca.com, or using the chat box below.

Please note– if you’ve been arrested for DUI in Southern California, you only have 10 days from the date of your arrest to request an administrative hearing from the DMV. If you don’t request this hearing, your driver’s license will be automatically suspended pending the outcome of your criminal case.

Attorney Chambers can help you weigh the pros and cons of requesting a DMV hearing and every other important decision throughout your DUI case. Call 714-760-4088 now for expert help!

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