Will Coffee Really Sober You Up?

Contrary to popular belief, a strong cup of coffee won’t help matters if you’re drunk.

Will Coffee Really Sober You Up?Most of us have been there at some point in our lives: out with our friends at a bar or at a party, when suddenly, we realize that we’ve had too much to drink.  Sometimes, your drunkenness can sort of sneak up on you, especially if you are drinking sweet beverages that pack a punch. So what can you do to sober up quickly?

There are many myths out there about how you can sober a person up quickly.  They range from making someone drink lots of water to putting them in a cold shower to having them drink lots of coffee.  While these tricks are heralded as sure-fire ways to help your blood alcohol content (BAC) drop, the reality is that they don’t.  The only thing that can sober a person up is time: all of the caffeine, water or cold water in the world won’t magically lower your BAC.

In fact, mixing caffeine and alcohol can actually make matters worse.  This is particularly true when it comes to energy drinks.  Alcohol is a depressant, while caffeine gives you energy.  If you have a mixed drink that includes some type of alcohol and an energy beverage, it won’t make you more drunk.  It might make you more inclined to participate in risky behavior because you’re now very alert from the caffeine — and with lowered inhibitions thanks to the alcohol.  This includes doing something incredibly risky like drinking and driving.

Coffee and other forms of caffeine can make a person feel more awake and alert than they would otherwise be, but it will not make a drunk person sober.  If you are too intoxicated, then the only thing that you can do is wait.   Over time, your BAC will drop and you will become sober — but you can’t speed up the process with coffee, a cold shower or a tall glass of water.  And you should be extra careful whenever you mix caffeine and alcohol, as it may make you even more likely to do something that you wouldn’t otherwise do, like drink and drive.

If you have been drinking, the best course of action is to never drive.  As a DUI lawyer in Pomona, CA will tell you, attempting to drive after you have been drinking is never worth the risk of causing an accident or getting caught.  The consequences of a DUI are quite high, including a license suspension, fines, mandatory DUI school, community service, probation and even jail.  When it comes down to it, it just isn’t worth taking the chance.  Coffee won’t sober you up — so you should crash where you are, get a ride from a sober friend, or call a cab.

If you have been arrested, you will need a skilled DUI lawyer.  In Pomona, CA, contact the Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 or dchambers@clfca.com.  We will aggressively defend you and protect you from unjust DUI charges.  We offer free initial consultations, where we can explain your legal rights and your options for resolving the case.  Don’t wait — call us today!

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