Will I Go to Jail for My First DUI?

California does not impose a mandatory jail term for first-time DUI offenders.

Will I Go to Jail for My First DUI?

Drinking and driving — or driving while under the influence of drugs — can have a deadly impact. In fact, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a leading cause of fatal and serious accidents in the United States. It is no wonder, then, that the state of California takes this crime so seriously, imposing harsh penalties for anyone caught driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol.

However, in California, unlike many other states, most first-time DUI offenses will not result in jail time. Instead, a first-time DUI offender in California can expect to receive a sentence that may consist of a license suspension for six months or longer, three to nine months of mandatory DUI school, fines that range from $390 to $1,000, court costs, DUI probation for three to five years, attending a panel by Mothers Against Drunk Driving or going to Alcoholics Anonymous and various fees plus court costs.

But if there are aggravating factors present, you could be sentenced to jail. This may include factors such as having a child present in the car, being extremely intoxicated or displaying excessive speed. Any of these factors can lead to you being sentenced to up to six months in county jail. If you cause an accident that leads to bodily injury or death, you may be facing additional charges that could lead to increased jail time or even a sentence in state prison. A DUI lawyer in Los Angeles, CA can help you understand whether you will be potentially facing jail time for your DUI charge.

For the average DUI case that does not involve aggravating factors, jail time is not likely. It is still a wise choice to hire an experience DUI lawyer in Los Angeles, CA to represent you on these charges. A DUI can have a serious negative impact on your life. If you are convicted of a first-time DUI offense, your license will be suspended for six months or longer, which can make it difficult for you to get to work, school or to simply take care of your responsibilities. If you drive for a living, you may find yourself unable to maintain your position due to a DUI conviction. Even if you do not drive for a living, you may find that having a criminal conviction such as a DUI impacts your professional license or ability to work. It can also affect your finances, as having a DUI conviction can cost quite a bit of money upfront in fines, penalties and fees — and in the future, as your car insurance will become much more expensive to maintain.

A DUI lawyer in Los Angeles, CA can help to fight against unjust DUI charges. He or she can hold the prosecutor to his burden of proof, and work to have the charges reduced or dismissed whenever possible. Getting the charges reduced can be incredibly helpful for your future, and can help you avoid both jail time and many of the other consequences of a DUI conviction.

At the Chambers Law Firm, we are highly experienced at helping people who have been charged with DUIs in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. Contact our firm today at 714-760-4088 or dchambers@clfca.com to schedule a free initial consultation. We will aggressively defend you and will fight for your rights and freedom.

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