Advice for Individuals Facing Allegations of Domestic Violence

An experienced criminal defense attorney’s take on the best steps for individuals accused of domestic violence.

Domestic violence allegations are extremely serious. Even for an individual with no priors and no previous arrests who may only be facing misdemeanor charges, a domestic violence charge can be devastating simply due to the nature of the images and associations connected with being labeled a domestic abuser. The charges definitely have the potential to affect your personal and professional life in dramatic and potentially permanent ways.

That’s why it is extremely important to take a proactive approach to clearing your name or at the very least managing the situation to limit the damage. Here are Dan E. Chambers’ top tips for what to do after domestic violence allegations have been made.

  1. Allow for a Cooling Off Period: From a practical perspective if not a legal one, it would be wise for any alleged domestic violence abuser to cut off contact with the individual bringing the charges against them. This helps prevent tensions from mounting any further which could cause the situation to escalate into an even worse confrontation. So resist the urge to reconcile or attempt to make things right with the alleged victim, and simply give them their space. Find your own place to live and do not pester or harass the alleged victim in any way. You do not want to cause them to become fearful or call the police on you again.
  2. Hire an Attorney: Given the serious nature of domestic abuse charges, you should definitely hire an attorney. After all, you do not want to be in a position where you have even a misdemeanor domestic abuse conviction on your record, as this will have to be disclosed every time you search for a new job or attempt other activities that require a background check. Look for a professional with specific experience in these types of cases who can give you the best possible chance of securing a satisfying outcome to the case. This is not the type of case you want to entrust to a public defender who may not have the time to dedicate to building a strong case for your defense.

Get a Free Initial Consultation Now

Remember, Dan E. Chambers is an experienced domestic violence defense attorney who can start helping with your case immediately. You can contact him now to schedule a free initial consultation.

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