Armed Robbery Charges and Defenses

Robbery and theft crimes

Armed Robbery Charges and DefensesRobbery is one of the most serious types of theft crimes in California, because it involves violence, or the threat of violence. All robberies are considered felonies under California law, but when a gun is involved, even more is at stake.

Generally, robbery is either in the first degree (punishable up to 9 years in prison) or second degree (up to 5 years), but if a firearm is used, you will have to serve even more time.

The 10-20-Life Law

California’s “10-20-life” law (“Use a gun and you’re done”) means that if you use a firearm when you commit certain crimes, you will have more time added to your prison sentence:

  • 10 years for “using” a firearm
  • 20 years for “discharging” a firearm
  • 25 years to life for causing great bodily injury or death.

The 10-20-life law applies to robbery, and it is a very serious charge in California. Don’t take a chance with just any attorney—you need to get a top armed robbery defense attorney like Dan E. Chambers who has the experience AND is willing to put up the best fight for YOUR case.

The fight for your defense

There are many different types of theft crimes, and the language of the law is very specific and technical. The prosecutor has to prove that each and every element of a crime actually occurred in your case.

For example, for a crime to actually have been a robbery, the defendant must have taken the victim’s personal property while the victim was actually present. The defendant must have been taken the property against the victim’s will by means of force or fear. If not all of the elements are there, or something seems ambiguous, an expert theft defense lawyer can get the charges reduced or even dropped completely.

Did the Prosecution Play Fair?

A good criminal defense attorney will also make sure the prosecution and the police played fair in preparing the evidence for your case. If any evidence was obtained by illegal searches and seizures, or in a conversation before you were given your Miranda warning, Dan E. Chambers will fight to have that evidence thrown out of court.

You may also be able to dispute evidence by presenting expert witnesses for your defense. In many situations, an expert is used to cast doubt on the evidence against you, such when eyewitness testimony isn’t actually as reliable as it seems.

Gun charges defenses

In cases where guns are involved, your criminal defense lawyer may be able to argue that that the weapon did not belong to you, or was placed in your bags, home, or vehicle without your knowledge. And if the gun was discovered during an illegal search, the weapon is inadmissible in court.

Make an appointment today to fight for your future

Dan E. Chambers is a top-rated Avvo criminal defense attorney and the winner of a clients’ choice award. If you want the best possible defense attorney working for you, call Chambers Law Firm now to set up a free consultation.

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